How they would hint they liked you

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Ashton: Ash would probably just hover around you a lot. If you were at the same place he'd practically be glued to your hip. He'd be interested in anything and everything you said. He'd not be good at hiding it either it would be the most obvious thing. That's when you'd know something was up.

Calum: let's be honest Calum would try to be smooth af. He would do all these witty jokes in front of you and all the cliché pickup lines to try and impress you. Not to mention he would show off in front of you just to get your attention. He would try to be Mr charming, cool and cocky but it would just make you laugh.

Luke: Luke would be the little shy muffin we all know he is. He's not the best with people let alone the opposite gender. Also seeing as he likes you he'd just internally shut down when it came to talking to you. He would just gawp at you and giggle at your jokes. He'd also say little stupid things now and again like "you're hair's cute today. Not that it's not always cute because it is," and he'd fumble over his words.

Michael: I feel like Michael is the kind of guys to get in a wingman or woman in order to help him. He prompt them before coming and talking to you to make sure he looked really cool in front of you. He'd also get his friend to hint things like you'd be good in a couple or "why don't you test your kissing skills on a handsome rockstar? Oh look we happen to have one right here,"

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