The others find out you like him - part 3

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Ashton: You drove in silence surrounded by tension, a weird tension that you wern't use to. "um, (Y/N) is something wrong?" Ashton asked turning to look at you as you stopped at a red light. "er no, no why did you think that?" you said in your most convincing tone you could manage. "it's just-" ashton was cut off by the beeping of his phone. "could you get that for me?" ashton asked, he was driving and his phone was in his front pocket. your hand reached out and pulled his phone from his pocket. "could you read it out for me?" ashton asked. you unlocked it, you knew his password. you clicked on your message sign and a text from michael came up. "are you sure, i don't know if i was meant to read this" you say. "go ahead" ashton said. "um it's from michael, he says  'have a nice time loverboy, make your move'" you read aloud. you looked at ashton as he pulled into the carpark, his cheeks were red. "um yeah, um (Y/N)" ashton fumbled on his words. "i kinda like you" ashton added. "good" you say pulling him into a kiss. 

Calum: "um (Y/N) i think you should really talk to Cal" ashton said. "why?" you ask still quite suspisious. "just talk to him for god sake please" ashton said. "Ash i can't i'm a mess aorund him i'll end up doing something stupid" you say. "oh guys sorry forgote my hat" calum says walking back into the room. "Cal you dont wear hats" you say. "oh um yeah , can i talk to you?" he asked. you nod getting up and walking, slightly jelly leged into the kitchen. "um" calum began bitting and licking his bottom lip that maked you blush. "um i-i really like you (Y/N)" calum said. "i really like you too" you say. "you were acting stange i thought you hated me" calum said. "i'm not good ar-around people i like" you say blushing even more, calum giggled before hugging you. 

Luke: "are you sure?" you ask looking at your self in the mirror."possitive, you look stunning lets go" calum says as you start walking to the cafe you were having lunch at. you stopped outside, catching a glimps of luke and his girlfriend sitting at the table. she looked amazing, also the way he looked at her, that was the way every girl wanted to be looked at. "i cant do this" you said were you stood. "come on" michael said. "have you seen the way he looks at her?" you say. "have you seen the way he looks at you?" michael says. "michael this was stupid, i dont want to please lets go" you say turning around. michael was much stronger than you and started to push you into the cafe. you gave up and walked in. luke caught your eye, you smiled and waved before proceeding with the other to his table. "hey" you say. "hi, guys this is (L/GF/N),(L/GF/N) this is michael, calum, ashton and (Y/N)" luke says as you sit down. "catch his gaze" michael whispers to you. you do so with ease, you smiled looking at his eyes, michael was right. "(L/GF/N) i would love to get to know you how about you come with me ash and cal to order some drink, i know what the others want" she noddes and gets up with the others, she whispers something in lukes ear before walking away. "whats that about?" luke asks. "um luke i need to tell you something. i know youre with (L/GF/N) now but i like you" you say. "really?" he asks. you nod. "well she's guessed that i really like you too" luke said. "i'm confused" you say. "i like you too, me and (L/GF/N) broke it off this morning, she guessed i like you. she still wanted to meet you" luke said. "oh i'm sorry" you say. "i'm not, (Y/N) wouold you like to go on a date with me?" he says, you nodd girning like crazy.

Michael:  the kiss was like nothing that you had ever experienced before. he pulled away both of you breathless. "I-umm-You-We-um" you sais speachless. michael pulled you even closer and kissed your neck. "i wanna be you. i want to love you ten times more than he did. i want to be with you all the time. i want to share my seacrets with you. i want to feel your skin on mine. i want to confort you when you cry. More than anything i just want you to be the girl i love. every second you were with him it broke my heart, i wanted to puch him. i wanted you to see that i'm the one you should be with. i love you (Y/N)" michael said his eyes boreing into yours, making your heart flutter and your knees weak. "i love you michael clifford" you say pressing your lips once more to his. 

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