You argue

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Ashton: "Ash, are you freaking kidding me right now?" you shot walking down the corridor into your kitchen where Ash sat. His elbows rested on the table as he had his phone in his hands; looking down his twitter newsfeed. "Ash!" you shout once more getting his attention. His head whipped round his curly brown locks following as his arm casually rested on the back of the chair. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" Ash said in his low mocking tone. "Oh, yeah Ash be sarcastic that'll get you in my good books. You don't even remember do you?" He shrugged his shoulders and raised his bushy eyebrows. "I've had it with you Irwin. Just because you don't want to go to this event don't mean you have to be a dick about it." You clenched your jaw from frustration. You never asked Ash to do anything, mainly because he was always busy, but he knew you needed to go to your bosses charity dinner otherwise your career was over. "Babe what are you talking about?" Ash said getting up, the sound of his chair scrapping along the tilled floor through you over the edge. "Fuck you Ash. I asked you to pick up my dress, that was 4 hours ago. You knew I was busy until then. You don't get it do you?" "Babe, I'm so sorry I forgot. Please don't be mad. I'll go and pick it up now." You ran your hands through your hair with frustration. "Do my words just go in one ear and come out the other? They closed 2 hours ago!" You'd had enough, your job was everything to you and now you'd lost it thanks to Ash. "Babe, wait." Ash said grabbing your shoulder. "No, I'm going to have to call and tell him I can't make it." You said shaking Ashton's grip and storming up to your room. 

Calum: "I never meant any of what I said Y/N. I was just angry" Calum said holding tightly to your waist. "Cal, the things someone says when they are angry tell you about that person" you said still refusing to look at him. "Please forgive me" he begged moving his head into your line of sight. "No Cal, you said I was jealous. What if I am? There was no need to say it so condescendingly. It's not unheard of. When your boyfriend travels around the world with millions of girls throwing themselves at him? How could I not be jealous of a fan that spent more time with you than I do?" you voice was starting to rise. "You know what Cal, forget I ever brought it up" you said clenching your jaw. Calum's grip had loosened, due to shock. You wiggled free before striding out the door. 

Luke: "Come on Y/N I saw the photos of you!" Luke shouted through Skype. "Pictures tell you shit all Luke, you know that first hand!" you screamed back. "We'll what else am I suppose to believe. I didn't even know you knew a guy called Greg!" Luke was getting frustrated, you could tell as he started running his hands through his now knotty blonde hair. "So when I'm spotted with a guy once it's a problem, but when you are spotted with multiple girls it's fine! Luke you're the fucking rock star, you're the one who has every girl under the sun wanting you!" the sudden urge to cry was over whelming - no, you would not cry in front of Luke. "That's different, you know I would never" Luke's voice was soft and gentle as if he knew it was getting to you. "So you think I would then? If you trusted me this wouldn't have been a big deal. Bye Luke" You said shutting the lid of your laptop. 

Michael: "Michael, this is serious, for once in your life please act like an adult!" you said standing up from your chair. "Babe, chill" Michael said coolly. "I will not chill. You could be arrested Michael" "I've told you, it wasn't me. I was set up" He was now standing, his body towered over yours. "Then get the freaking lawyer on the phone so we can sort this out!"  You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs just so it would get through to Michael. "I'll do it in the morning. No need to get your knickers in a twist" You raised an eyebrow at Michael, his face dropped. He knew he'd gone too far. "Okay Michael, so the longer you wait, the longer they'll think it was you. But, hey, don't worry about a federal crime that's been pinned on you. It's just me getting my knickers in a twist" you voice was low and calm as you made your way out of the kitchen. 


Hey guys! Sorry for not posting anything for a while, I've been so busy. To make up for not posting anything I'm gonna try and do as many requests as I can over the next few weeks for you guys! So, please leave any;  Preferences, One shots, Personals, Fan fiction, Fan fiction updates, Preference updates, Any preferences that you want me to continue, Themes or additional people you wish for me to include. Basically anything you want leave below. Thank's and enjoy! 

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