Michael - One shot

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You walked back into your collage apartment you shared with your roommate Michael; it was on campus and not that far from your lectures. You closed the door behind you and walked straight to your room turning left, whereas right would have taken you to the living room. You dropped your bags off and then continued into the living room. Michael was there in his boxers lying on the floor playing Xbox. "You are a sight you know that right" you laughed at him. His now white hair was all over the place and was striking along with his black boxers. "Why thank you" Michael says cockily. "I know you love it" he added. "Yes Michael your constant nudity always thrills me" you say sarcastically walking into the kitchen. "See" Michael says getting up and walking into the kitchen. Michael was much taller than you, his torso was tones and you weren’t gonna lie it was extremely tempting. You bit your lip trying to concentrate on making a cup of tea. You flicked the kettle on. Turning around Michael stood extremely close to you. "Um Michael?" you asked. "Yes (Y/N), does my nakedness bother you?" he questioned. "No not at all" you say. "I think we should even the playing field" Michael winked kissing you passionately. You didn't even know how but seconds later your clothes were scattered around the kitchen, you couldn’t even remember taking them off. "Um Michael" you said gesturing to his crotch. "Yes" he said winking. You laughed kissing him once again. You had always had a crush on Michael, he knew that. "So" Michael says in-between kisses. “I like you" he says. "Good cause you know I dam well like you" you said pulling him closer. You felt the smirk on his face as you kissed him. 

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