You're yonger than him and people have a problem with it

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Ashton: You were a year younger than Ashton and the fans had just found out about you. Most people were supportive but some weren’t. “You're not reading the hate again are you?" Ashton says hugging you from behind. You had been scrolling through twitter for the past hour. "Ash they hate me" you say locking your phone and putting it in your back pact and turning to face him. "They don't hate you they are just jealous and I'm in love with you so don't listen to what they say babe OK" Aston said kissing you softly.

Calum: "Come on babe" Calum says kissing your neck. "Cal" you begin. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Dad wants me to break up with you and so does (Y/B/N)" you admit to him. "What! Are you thinking about it?" He asked "No, no, no Cal it just upsets me that they don't trust us, they think you're gonna hurt me because of the age difference" you say."I'd never hurt you" Calum says holding you tightly. "That's what I said" you reply. “You’re my Sunshine I can't like without you" he says kissing you.

Luke: You and Luke walked hand in hand back into the hotel. You were two years and a bit younger than Luke, you had been dating for a while but this was the first time you went out in public together. As you walked into the hotel you heard paparazzi shout abuse and you and Luke based on your age difference. You were nearly in tears as you walk into the hotel room. "Babe don’t cry" Luke said smoothing your cheek."Ashton they all hate me" you really sobbing into his chest. "They don't count you don't need their approval or opinion on the matter only yours matters." Luke said hugging you closer. "No buts OK now let me see that beautiful smile that I'm in love with" Luke says you smile before he kisses you passionately.

Michael: "Mum stop it OK" you hear Michael say as you walk into the kitchen. He grabs you hand before you could say another words and storms out into the garden. "Michael babe slow down what's wrong" you ask making him stop. Michael was a year and a bit older than you."I'm just annoyed because mum wants me to break up with you because she thinks I will hurt you" he says as you smooth his hair trying to calm him down. "Michael I know you would never do that" you say. “I’m sorry I just really like you and I know my family like you but they don't like the age gap at our age" he says."Michael baby honestly I think as long as you're happy they will be happy now don't just stand there looking sexy kiss me" you say making Michael smile before he kisses you.

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