The boys get you/him drunk for the first time

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Ashton: You walked, well stumbled into the kitchen to find another drink. Michael was holding a party, you weren't taht social so you'd never been to a party like this before, it was amazing. you could feel that bass shake the content of a red cup you'd just swiped up from the kitchen island before you went to look for ashton. you decided he would be out side, you didn;t know why you'd decided this but you had. "Ashton" you wailed stepping out side as the cold air hit your face. "(Y/N)" ashton said running upto you. you swang an arm around him. "you know Ash you're pretty bangable" you said slightly slured. ashton lauged before replying. "how much have you had to drink?" he asked. "a ouple of cups" you giggled "couple of cups, cups" you added laughing. "okay you need to sit down" ashton said picking you up and putting you on one on the chair outside. "you have pretty eyes" you said stroking his face. ashton giggled. "stay with me" you say. "okay just for a bit" ashton said sitting down next to you. "you're funny when you're drunk" ashton says. "i'm not drunk pfft" you say. ashton shakes his head smiling. 

Calum: "nu nu nu, du nu nu nu" you sing as you take down the straps of your dress."wow, what are you doing" calum says pulling you out of the middle of the dancefloor and into the kitchen. "ohh" you say going to grab another drink. before you could calum picked you up and took you into the garden, the music was dimmer out here, you wished to go back inside and get anotehr drink. "seriously (Y/N) what were you doing" calum says. "shu Cal i just wanted to strip, you are, i have noticed an etreamily horny teenage boy so tell me why you would have a problem with that" you say clinging onto his shirt. "you're very drunk right now" calum says. "Cal did you know you're really fit, like really,really, super dupa, like movie star I-want-your-poster-on-my-wall fit" you say, you had always thought that about calum and i guess being intoicated helped you t voice that. "you don't know what you're saying" claum says. "cal people are honest when they are drunk, you should be taking advantage of this and ask me some questions" you say. you suddenly get the erge to jump into pool. stripping your dress off in less than two seconds flat you jumped staight into the pool with your matching lilght pink underwear on. "(Y/N) Oh my god" calum practicly shouts."come on get in" you shout. "oh what the hell" calum says stripping down into his black boxers and jumping in to join you. "calum did you know something" you slired trying to keep swiming even though your arms felt like led. calum noticed this and took hold of you as your wrapped your legs around his waist. "what?" he asks. "I'm in love with you" you giggled pressing your lips against his. suprisingly he didnt pull away but kissed you back. you pulled away. "i like you too but i dought you will remember this in the morning so as much as i want to kiss you we'll talk this out in the moring" calum says. 

Luke: "luke stop" you laughed as luke embarrasingly danced in the middle of the dance floor. luke does as you say and walks over to you pressing you against a wall and pulling your body into his. "you look really sexy" luke says kissing your cheek. "luke stop you're drunk" you say. "it's true" luke says. "eyyy Luke" you hear a voice call. you look to the side of luke to see who it was, it's Calum. "hey cal" you say. "hey (Y/N), has luke tried anything yet?" he asks. "not really, i've never seen him drunk before" you say. "I'm not drunk" luke buts in. "mate you are, and it's because he's nver been drunk before. Oh and by the way he does actully like you,so watch out. thought i'd get it out there as he can't do muh to me in this state" calum says walking off. "shu calum (Y/N) will hear you" luke says after him. "you didn't hear that did you?" luke asks. you laugh. "yes luke i heard taht" you say. "your hair looks pretty" luke says out of the blue. "thank you. luke i'm gonna get you to bed now" you say. luke needed to lay down and drink some water. "i'm sure calum will let you use his bed" you say holing on you lukes waist and guding him twards the stares. "you'll stay with me though" luke says his blue eyes boring into yours. "okay fine but dont try any funny business" you say smiling at him. 

Michael: "come on" michael sayid as he pulled you into one of the bedrooms where the boys had decided to play spin the bottle. michael pushed open the door, you saw about 10 boys sitting in a circle all staring at you. " oh great im the only girl" you say sitting down next to michael. lukcyly all the boys weren't even half as drunk as michael. "dont worry (Y/N) nothing bad is gonna happen" luke said. "my turn" michael says grabbing the bottle and spinning. it landed on you, no suprise. "now pick up a card" luke said to michael. michael picked up a card from the pile. "i have to make out with you" michael said smugly.  you were slightly intoicated, not badly but enought to go along and take, well slighly take advantage of michael. michael lent forward and kiss you, you could taste the alcohol on his lips as he kissed you. he was stong, he picked you up by the waist and placed you on his lap as he continued kissing you, the kiss getting more and more passionate by the second. you hands ran through his widly coloured hair. you both pulled away. "wow" michael said. "what?" you asked slightly out of breath. "you're a good kisser" michael admits. you blush" you too" you add. "we'll after that very heated display i think all the boys in this room and dying to make out with you now (Y/N). so lets get on with the game" calum says. "just so you know boys, she's mine" michael winks at you. 

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