Nerd alert! - Luke

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"Chill the hell out Hemmings. We don't need to walk like we've got tickets up our arses," you call at Luke who currently looked like a complete and utter breadstick as he practically sprinted down the road. "The faster we get there the more studying we can do!" He called in front of you. "Mrs said I have to get you up to date on everything," he added. It was true you had missed a tone of work. But let's face it who (except Luke Hemmings) actually enjoyed Trig class? That's right, no one. If you didn't show up now and again who's fault was that? Defiantly not yours. The teacher had to engage the student not vice versa. "Alright alright. Don't get you frilly knickers in a twist," you said picking up your pace. Still holding the leaf that you'd began to rip apart in your right hand. And, to be honest, the lead was more grasping at conversation that Luke had been the whole walk home to your house. You finally caught up to the long legged boy. He stood eager and ready at your front door, so close his nose was practically on it. "You know I've got the key right. Staring at it won't make it open," you said mockingly. "That would be completely illogical," Luke replied. Your eyes widened at how dull he and practical he seemed to be. This was going to be a long study session.
Turning the key in the lock you pushed open the door to an empty house. "Follow me," you said as you made your way through the house towards the kitchen. Picking up some snacks from the fridge and a bottle of water each you dumped the load in the hands of Hemmings before proceeding to your room. "And this is my room," you announced opening the door. Luke dumped the snacks on your bed before gawping around your room. "You like Guitars?" He asked. "Well, yeah," you replied. It was a pretty standard thing to infer when someone had three sparkling guitars in their room. "Do you play?" He asked starting open eyes at your guitars. "Well, yeah," you answered flopping down on your bed. "Do you?" You added when silence accrued. "Yeah! I'm kind of in a band," he said starting of with an excitable tone and the training of to an embarrassed one. "Really! You. In a band?" You asked incredibly shocked. "The school nerd is actually a band boy after all," you question with a raised eyebrow. "I'll show you one of our videos," he said getting his phone from his pocket. "Why don't you tell anyone about this?" You ask him. "I don't really know how to bring it up," he said shyly. He pressed play and a completely different Luke was presented in front of you. He was confidant, sexy and well a bad ass. It seemed like performing brought out a completely different side of him. A side that you quite liked. After a half hour of his bands videos and talking you finally asked the question you'd be itching to ask. "Why aren't you like this at school," you ask. "I want to be the best of the best. I want to get good grade and be the best band. It's easier to keep the two separate. People think I'm a nerd and it helps my school work. Then I go home and focus on the band," he admitted blushing slightly. "You're a clever one Mr Hemmings. So the nerd act is just that. An act," you say looking at him where he sat next to you on the bed. "Exactly," he said. "The more I get to know you the more you intrigue me," you admitted. "I thought you were a stereotypical nerd. But I guess I guessed wrong," you added. "I guess you did," he said with a raspy tone, locking onto your gaze. You felt the tension build between the two of you. "Better get some Trig done," Luke said softly. "Yep," you said quietly. Your eyes were still locked. "If length X equals 4 and length Y equals 6 and...," he said trailing off before leaning in a kissing you softly.

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