You're dating a member of 1D and he likes you

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Ashton: "hey guys this is (Y/N) my girlfriend" Liam says leading you into the 5SOS dressing room. You smiled awkwardly you had never met any of them but they were all staring at you. "Hi I'm Calum this is Michael Luke And...Ashton" Calum said pointing everyone out. "Nice to meet this girl of Liam's finally" Michael says. "We've heard very good things about you" Luke says and Liam squeezes you side. "Ashton earth to Ashton" Luke says waving his hands in front of Ashton's face. Ashton was very handsome you had to admit. "I-I ummm erg" Ashton mumbled starting and you and blushing. You giggled; you'd never made anyone speechless before. "Ash stops checking out my girl I don't wanna have to fight you for her man" Liam says chuckling.

Calum: "hey um cal do you know where Zayn is I've lost him" you say walking into Calum's dressing room. "Ur-ur no sorry" Calum said rather awkwardly back. "Are you OK you seem a bit..." you said sitting down next to him. Calum had been acting weird around you lately. "Yeah yeah I'm fine" he said giving you a reassuring smile. "If there is something wrong you would tell me wouldn't you?" You ask. "Yeah sure I would" he said none convincingly. "Calum seriously" you said looking at him. "Fine OK I need to tell you something" he paused making you worried. "(Y/N) I-" he was cut off by Zayn walking into the room. "Hey (Y/N) hey Calum I've been looking for you" Zayn said planting a kiss on your lips.

Luke: you laughed as harry pulled you onto his bed in his room in the tour house. 'Harry" you giggled as his warm lips kissed you neck. "I've missed you so much" he says as he kisses you passionately. Your hand runs through his fluffy curly hair. You begin to kiss down his jaw as he lets out a low growl. You laugh continuing to kiss that spot. "Harry have you...oh um UK I'm so sorry I'll go" you both break apart looking up to see like in the door way his cheeks super red. "Hey Luke shat were you going to ask?" Harry says as you continue to kiss his jaw. "N-nothing" Luke says as you see him swallowed hard. Luke was acting weird. "Luke what's wrong?" You ask pulling away from harry. "N-nothing I'm just gonna go write some songs" Luke said swiftly walking out of the door.

Michael: "hey (Y/N)" Michael says joining you on the sofa you were sitting there in Niall's T-shirt only. "Hey Michael" you said. "You know I think you would look better in one of my shirts personally but..." what! Michael knew you were with Niall. "Michael don-" he cut you off by placing a hand on your leg. "I've always like you" Michael said. You'd always liked Michael and you had had a crush on his before but you were happy with Niall now. "Michael I'm happy with Niall" you say as you hear the door open. “What’s going on?" You hear Niall say.


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