You argue - Part 2

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Ashton: you were honestly fed up with Ashton's attitude lately. It was like if it didn't concern the band he didn't seem to care. You sat in your room on the bed you and Ash shared. Ignoring his knocks and shouts from behind the door. "Ash, just go away. I need to calm down." you shouted. "No babe, please. I'm so sorry." "You say that every time Ash but you never seem to do anything different when it happens again." you lifted up the duvet and snuggled down into the bed. "Please." he begged. You decided not to reply and just leave him - try to sleep. Hours passed after Ashton had stopped begging, your eyes were becoming heavy and your body warm with sleep. You felt yourself falling off to sleep. Just as your eyes closed there was a sharp bang against the window. You chose to ignore it but the bangs continued with small intervals. You got up and walked to the window, looking outside Ash was standing on the front lawn. You open the window putting on your best pissed off face. "I explained to your boss" Ash shouted. "He's forgiving you and giving you a raise." He added. "Ash, the gesture is lovely but still doesn’t escape the fact you've been neglecting me." you call back. "I know and that's why I booked the week off for both of us. We are going to spend a whole week together, just us two and I'll take care of your every need and stay up with you until ungodly hours talking about what you want, and I'll even learn how to do the laundry." You tried to hold back the smile creeping onto your face."I can see you smiling." Ash said making you smile more. You couldn't stay mad at him for long. 

Calum: You knew Cal would know where you ran off too. After all, he showed you the hiding space in one of the trees near the house. You wanted him to apologies and properly apologies at that. It was obvious you were jealous but there was no need to point it out like the way Calum did. He said it like it was your biggest flaw - his most hated trait about you. "Y/N" He shouted. "I know you're there so just please listen. I didn't mean it that way I meant it in the way that you shouldn't be jealous because you're the only girl I love. I meant it in the way that I never want you to ever be jealous of anyone because I want you to know that I'll always be yours." Calum said, it started at a shout but ended with his voice wavering. "Y/N. I love you." he said just loud enough for you to hear. You stepped out from the hollow tree and turned to face Calum. "I forgive you." You smiled as he took you into a tight embrace. 

Luke: You and Luke usually spoke everyday but after the argument you refused to even turn on your phone for a week. You didn't want to hear, see or even think about Luke. You finally turned your phone back on after a week. As you did your phone pinged and buzzed with notifications and messages. You set it down on the kitchen table, taking a seat yourself. You waited for it to stop buzzing - 3 and a half minutes. You picked it up, 1,024 missed calls, 796 of them from Luke, 238 of them from the rest of the band and others from friends. You had 981 new messages and over 5,000 notifications. Surely something happened while you weren't there. You clicked on twitter first, scrolling down your mentions. Over half of them had links to a YouTube video; some people even thought you'd died. You clicked on the video; it was of Luke's show, the night after your argument. It started to play. "So guys I know we don't usually give you speeches but I'm doing one tonight. Basically I've been a dick, sorry to the children in the audience, to my girlfriend Y/N and I want to apologise. Seeing as she's not answering her phone this is an alternative way of apologising. Y/N I'm so sorry you have me as an idiot of a boyfriend. I hope I am still your idiot. I always trust you, I just was jealous because we'll he's there and I'm not. I love you so much; this gig is dedicated to you." He said blowing a kiss too the camera. After that It had 4 shots of crowd shouting "we love Y/N" from their shows. Its true Luke is an idiot and shout have trusted you but Luke was your idiot. You picked up your phone and called him. After you realised it was 4 in the morning over there you were happy to leave a voice mail. "You're my idiot." is all you left. 

Michael: "Babe, I called them. I still have to go to court just to prove it but they have a lot of evidence that proves I'm guilty. I'm sorry I didn't take you seriously; I know you're only trying to help. I just didn't want to think about something as serious as that. Please forgive me. Michael called form outside your bed room door. You ignored him, hugging the pillow you were holding tighter to your body. You heard his footsteps walk away. You thought about what he said in his apology. It did sound a lot like Michael; you tried to see the situation from his point of view. Admittedly, you had over reacted a bit. Midway through a thought you heard the smoke alarm go off. You hurtled yourself out of bed and down towards the kitchen, there was smoke flying around everywhere. "It's okay I just burnt the food." Michael shouted opening the back door to let the smoke out. "What the hell were you doing?" You ask dragging him out the back door with you. "I was trying to make it up to you by cooking for you." You blushed at his sweet gesture. "Thank you mike, that was sweet but I think we should order pizza. And you're forgiven." Michael smiled kissing you gently. “Ahhh, pizza. The second love off my life." You giggled. 

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