The others find out you like him

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Ashton: "(Y/N) we're sorry but we can't make it you're just gonna have to just go with Ashton" Michael was telling you. You Michael, Luke, Ashton and Calum were meant to be going to watch a movie that night but Michael, Calum and Luke had just been landed with a load of work that they had to do. "Can’t you get out of it" you asked. "No, you guys were really excited, go you'll have a good time" Calum said. "I don’t really feel like it anymore" you lied. "Ok spill the beans what up?" Luke asked. "Nothing" you reply. "Come on we know you what’s wrong, why don’t you wanna go with just Ash...." Luke added but cut himself off. "You like him don’t you, you like Ash" Luke said gasping. You felt your cheeks blush even though you willed them not to. "Ok maybe a little bit" you replied. They all smirked and giggled at your embarrassment. 

Calum: "bye cal" you all shouted in unison as Calum walked out the door. "Ok (Y/N) you were super weird today and that’s saying something, what's up" Michael asked. "Nothing" you said sitting back down on the sofa. "Did you and Cal have an argument or something?" he added. "No. no Cal's done nothing wrong, it's nothing honestly" you said trying to convince him. "Are you sure, I could talk to him if you want?" Ashton said. "No honestly guys it's nothing" you said. You’d had a crush on Calum since you had met him but today you saw him and the feelings got stronger making you act weird, well more than normal. "You’re gonna have to tell us, it was freaky" Michael joked. "Do I have to" you replied. "Yes" he said bluntly. "Okay but you can't tell him ok. I like Calum" you said quietly. "I didn’t catch that you mumbled" Ashton said. "I like Calum" you said a bit louder. "What?" you were sure he's heard you that time by his smirk. "I like Cal" you shouted blushing. 

Luke: "why don't you wanna go, its just lunch (Y/N)" Ashton said. You were meant to be going to lunch with Ashton, Michael, Calum, Luke and Luke’s new girlfriend. You had been in love with Luke since you had met him but no one had ever known as you didn’t want to lose his friendship. "Because" you just said. "Please we don’t wanna just see Luke and his girlfriend make out" Michael begged making you feel even worse than you were already feeling. You shyly covered your hands with your jumper. "I really don’t want to go, sorry boys" you say smiling, well trying to. "What’s wrong" Calum says. "Nothing" you say. "Something’s wrong and you gonna tell me or I’m gonna pick you up and drag you there" Calum said. "Fine" you replied waiting to see if they'd drop it. "I’m in love with Luke” you said looking down and your feet. You feel two arms wrap around you. It was Calum. "Why didn’t you tell us" Calum said. "Because he has a girlfriend and it's stupid" you say. "It’s not stupid and I don’t think he'll have a girlfriend, well not that one much longer" Calum smiled. 

Michael: "what happened with you and what's his face" Luke asked as you sat down on his sofa. You were all waiting for Michael to get to Calum’s. You and your boyfriend Jake had broken up, Luke and the rest on the boys were happy about it because they had all hate him. "I broke up with him" you say. "Yep I know that you muppet but why" Luke joked. "I had my reasons" you say. "Come on (Y/N) you liked him quite a bit why just drop him" Luke asks. "I-I" you were stuck you couldn’t tell the boys like you had prefer Michael and wanted to date him. "Come on" he said egging you on. "Fine, fine, I like Michael that's why" you said just as the door opens. "I heard my name?" Michael asked walking into the room; you could feel your cheeks burning. 

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