Brick Wall

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I will shout to the world, I will doubt the world and I will spit my words until my soul threatens to come out.

I had a hard time growing up and all I've been given was a little trophy made out of the tears of my heart that said 'suck it up.'

I've put all of me in a single human being only to be faced with a brick wall that didn't know the words from the meaning and my brain starts screaming when you just ignore me.

But I know for a fact that you can see me so cut the act and let's back track to a time when the train on the train tracks only moved forward not back.

You're an obstacle I can't jump over, I'm counting the days until I'm finally sober and no I'm not drunk from alcohol or high off drugs, I'm sitting on a cloud thinking about when you can't hide the feelings you've swept under the rugs.

I've given you my all and you sucked it up like a vacuum so now I'm siting alone in a dark room wondering how soon is too soon before I can ask you to move?

Step to the side let your heart speak for once and if it's not the words that I want than I'll leave you to suck in your own loss because all of the effort I put into making you feel alive again has been tossed.

You've been with me through it all and I can say that I'll never again stand tall because all of my emotion and all of my heart was sucked up by a brick wall.

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