Forget It.

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You know what?

Forget that I even asked.

Forget that I asked you a simple question and I'll pretend that I didn't see you sit back and laugh.

I'll pretend that all I've ever been was a nice piece of ass and hopefully you pretend that I've been hiding behind a mask.

Forget that my heart once beat to the same rhythm as yours and maybe I'll forget the fact that I think of you every time the rain pours.

The rap and tap on my ceiling reminds me of your eyes and I have no idea why.

Everything you've ever said has been classified in my mind as a big white lie.

Every time you've ever lied is filed away in a place in my mind I'd rather not visit because if I open one file in that cabinet, I'll miss it.

I'll miss the late night talks and the wishing to go on long walks while discussing the future that we agreed to have somewhat separately.

The anger that runs through me is just as deadly for me as it is for you.

Screaming is long overdue.

So you know what I'm going to do?

I'm going to forget.

I'm going to forget that I even asked because even when I knew the mask that I wore looked more like a cast, I couldn't help but think that you somehow healed my past.

I'm going to forget those sweet nothings and short comings because I can't remember someone like you.

Because all you've ever done and all you'll ever do is drag me down to the same level as you.

So forget that I've ever existed because now we're both twisted.

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