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There came a point in time where I didn't look in a mirror.

I was always disgusted by what I saw.

A fat, ugly and disgusting human being that overthinks, as well as over eats.

My stomach bulges and my thighs won't stop touching. they're like that annoying couple at school that cannot keep their hands off of each other for a split second.

When you see them and they see you, you have to smile. But inside you're screaming at yourself.

"Why can't you be like her?"

"She's pretty and thin. You're not."

"Why can't you attract a guy like him?"

"Oh that's right, he likes fit girls with long straight hair that never curse."

Well fuck that. Fuck everything. Fuck you especially. Society. Fuck society.

My mind isn't even a safe place for me anymore, it just pushes me to the edge, hoping I'll jump.

Oh I'm not going down that easy though. Not like that.

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