Chapter 27: We Crash To The Sands

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The stars on my ceiling greeted me when I woke up the next morning. Memories flooded back into my brain sending me a wave a nausea. One more day, I told myself.

I looked at my clock: 7:00. I figured nobody would be up until at least 7:30 so I forced myself out of bed and headed to the dining hall. I really didn't want to accidentally run into anyone at the moment, Leo mostly. I made my way quickly and grabbed a magic plate to take back to my room. Just as I reached my room again, another door opened. I found myself rushing to close my own door, but I didn't do it quick enough to avoid hearing my name being called from Leo's door.

I sighed loudly, half in relief, half in sadness.

I spent the next hour eating my breakfast and getting ready for the last task of our quest. I knew it would be tough. And I wasn't exactly ready to see someone die. I knew it was coming. The prophecy said it would, it was inevitable.

I tried to dress comfortably and accordingly, good enough for combat. I wore simple denim shorts and my peacock tee shirt which I hadn't worn in a while. I decided that maybe it would give me some luck. I slid my rings on my fingers and twisted my dark hair into a knot on top of my head.

Satisfied with myself, I made my way up to the deck twisting one of my rings. Everyone was already present. As I made my way over to them, I could feel the tension around us. We all knew what had happened the night before. Kylie looked like she wanted to bite off Leo's head and I was trying my best to avoid his gaze.

"There you are," Percy said relieved.

"Yup," I said, "We ready?"

"Yup," Kylie said, "Let's go."

Leo made his way to the controls in the back of the ship and we started sailing out of the small harbor. We decided it was best that we fly to the mountain instead of hiking our way there. We needed as much energy as possible to face whatever was coming at us in the next few hours and we did not need to waste our time and energy on walking a few miles.

As soon as we we out far enough, the ship lifted into the air and we were on our way to Mount Olympus. The air still had its effects on me, but my mind kept flashing back to the night before, bringing back those infamous tears. I tried blinking them away quickly, I didn't want to be acting all depressed, especially at a time like this.

I leaned against the railing letting the wind catch the flyaway's in my hair. I felt an hand on my shoulder, "You alright?" Kylie asked.

"Yeah," I replied as she leaned on the rail next to me.

"You know my offer to beat him up is still open," she told me.

I laughed, "That is quite okay. I'm mad at him, but not to the point of wanting to murder him."

"Okay okay," Kylie sighed with a smile.

"You ready for today?" I asked her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know if I am," I confessed.

She glanced at me,"Why not?"

"I don't want to loose someone."


"The prophecy?" I reminded her.

"Oh," Kylie looked down at her hands, "It could be any of us."

"I know," I said, "It scares me."

"We'll be okay."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm not, but sometimes optimism is the only way."

I sighed and closed my eyes. They stung as tears started to form. In all of my life I had never met so may people that I had cared so much for. I was always too afraid to hold on, afraid that nobody would love me for me, afraid that I would just end up loosing them. And sadly my fears were only turning into a reality. I had already let go of my foster family, I'd just lost Leo, and at this point I could loose either Percy or Kylie as well, let alone die myself and loose everything. These people had given me a purpose. A purpose I thought I was never good enough to have and I wasn't ready to let go. I had only just grasped it. So I guess I wasn't good enough for the gods. If I was they'd let me finally live in peace. It made me realize only then that I wasn't just afraid. I knew that nobody would ever stay. I wasn't good enough for anything.

Unclaimed~A Percy Jackson/Leo Valdez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now