Chapter 26: I Find Out The Truth

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"Hey!" Percy exclaimed as Leo and I made our way onto the ship, "Did you find it?"

"Yup!" I said holding up the tapestry.

It was getting dark out and the sun was just setting on the horizon when Leo and I returned. I was feeling giddy, to the point of embarrassing myself to be quite honest. Though it was pleasant as well, we were so close to being able to go home and it just made me happy.

"What even is that?" Kylie asked, her eyes on the tapestry.

"Jade said it contains Ariadne's string," Leo explained.

"Jade?" Percy questioned.

"Yeah she was at the thrift shop," I said,"She said she came across the map before while looking for stuff for her dad."

"But the item wasn't even the best thing," said Leo with a smile.

"What do you mean?" asked Kylie.

"Well she told us every single location on there was there a year ago," I said, "Except for one right at the base of Mount Olympus."

Percy broke into a large grin, "That's great!"

"We're almost there guys!" Kylie cheered.

"We'll set off tomorrow morning," Leo said, "Then we can go home."

At that moment the four of us had a mini celebration right on the deck. Cheering and laughing. But we had all forgotten the prophecy. And that prophecy had more up it's sleeve. Little did we all know, things were about to take a dark turn.


I made my way back to my room after eating dinner with the others. They all left a while ago but I stayed to clean up. We all decided on desserts instead of actual dinner. I had a piece of cheesecake. It was a stupid decision, especially now since my stomach was starting to hurt.

I approached my door and turned the handle to open it. As I pushed it open a piece of paper fell from the top of the door. I unfolded it.

Meet me down in the stables in 5

I grinned to my self, folding the note up and put it in my pocket, before running down to the stables. I walked to the entrance to find the lights on with Leo sitting down on a bench, fiddling around with what looked like a couple of paper clips. He didn't notice me right away, and he looked a bit nervous. I didn't know why he would be, of course I had no idea what he was going to tell me.

"Tell me again why there are no pegasai in here?" I asked with a smile.

Leo looked up from his little contraption smiling, "Hey I was being thoughtful."

I laughed, "I know I know."

He stood up and walked over to me, placing his hands around my waist and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Just because," he answered nonchalantly.

I kissed him back, "Well that was sweet."

He laughed, "Let's just be glad that Coach Hedge isn't here to yell at us."

"Why? Who's that?"

" A satyr who accompanied us on our last quest. Percy and Annabeth got in trouble for being down here alone."

I laughed, "Wow, well I'm grateful he isn't here then."

"Yeah because then we wouldn't be able to do this."

Leo kissed me again, longer this time. I gave into him and started playing with his messy curls, kissing him back. After a moment I stepped away, breaking our kiss.

Unclaimed~A Percy Jackson/Leo Valdez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now