Chapter 17: We Face An Ugly Sea Monster

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I didn't have time to think about the dream. Whether it meant anything or if it was just paranoia making it's way into my sleep. I just had to quickly shake it off as I was whisked out of my cabin.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Let's just say I might have kinda sorta mocked the serpent causing it to attack." Leo said as we ran up the stairs, almost tripping over them because we were going so fast.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't think it would attack but-"

I shook my head, "Never mind we need to move!"

We emerged onto the deck to find the large golden serpent raised high out of the water,it's large frill expanded around it's head. Percy had Riptide uncapped, jabbing the sword at the serpent between blasts of water as an attempt to push it back. Kylie was at his side attacking with her own sword. It's large mouth opened up, ready to lunge, revealing a neat row of razor sharp teeth. I felt like running straight back into my cabin to hide away. Seeing the serpent in full action made me forget about all of my training, made me feel ten times smaller, like a little girl again cowering away from the world. The whole thing sent a shiver down my spine. Leo set both of his hand on my shoulders and leaned in so that his lips were just over my ear.

"Hey," he whispered, "You'll do fine. Now let's go kick some serpent butt!"

Leo swiftly pulled a hammer out of his tool belt and dove into the battle. I stood there for a second, still in shock, contemplating every possible outcome. Most of them, however, resulted in us becoming fish food. I shook off my thoughts returning my attention back to the serpent. Kylie stabbed at the side of the serpent causing it to roar in pain. Though it only seemed to faze it for a second before it lunged back into play. Hesitantly, I whispered to my rings to become swords. Still I stood there, holding the swords in my hands, watching guiltily as the others fought the serpent.

I looked over to the pedestrians on the island. They didn't seem to notice the group of teens fighting the golden serpent. Then I remembered that we were probably covered by mist. I wondered what they could be seeing. Maybe just a group of teens wrestling? Doing some sort of karate? I shook my head. I was being stupid. What I really needed to do was help in the fighting. Though I wanted to help, my feet felt glued to the deck.

"ROWAN!" Percy yelled,snapping me out of my daze, "GET OVER HERE!"

I bit my lip nervously. Leo turned to face me. He gave me a slight smile and nodded encouragingly. I nodded back, bouncing on my toes a little. You can do this Rowan, I thought closing me eyes, You're a demigod. You were born to do this. I took a deep breath before I ran forwards with a sudden burst of energy. It was almost as if all of my training came back in one huge blast. I found myself knowing exactly what to do, almost as if my body was on autopilot.

Percy took a stab at the serpent just as Kylie did before, again only causing it to roar in pain, quickly shaking it off. Percy just cursed under his breath. The serpent then decided to lunge itself at me, but I quickly dodged it before putting another slice into it's golden skin with one of my swords. Again it only fazed it for a second. I stood back for a minute just blocking myself watching as the others took shots at the serpent. Each time, I noticed, it was only like a paper cut to the serpent, and would close up just as quickly. I finally came to the realization that cuts and scrapes were not what were going to kill this thing.

"GUYS!" I called out, " THIS ISN'T GONNA CUT IT!"



Percy looked over at me dumbfounded, "What?"

"PERCY WATCH OUT!" Kylie yelled.

Unclaimed~A Percy Jackson/Leo Valdez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now