Chapter 29: I Mess Up

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I carried the pile of plants in my arms as I made my way back to Calypso's cave. I had sat down in that one little patch of flowers until I was all cried out. My head was pounding from crying so hard but I pushed the pain to the back of my mind. Kylie was my priority at this point. I had cried for myself far too long and had almost forgotten all about her. I felt slightly ashamed.

I came to the section of beach which led to the cave and turned into the greenery. I walked until I reached another turn, but when I turned I bumped directly into Leo. I dropped the pile in my hands to the ground below. I stood there for a moment, completely speechless.

"Rowan," he said after a moment, "Can I talk to you?"

I shook my head and pushed past him to pick up the plants I dropped.

"Rowan! C'mon please!" He begged.

I dropped the plants back on the ground and turned to face him, "And why should I let you talk to me?"

" Rowan I need to explain!" Leo yelled, "Can you at least give me that?!"

"Leo you already did," I said turning away trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes, "I understand."

He grabbed my hand,"No, you really don't."

I faced him again, looking right into those eyes I'd fallen in love with. They no longer had that spark. They were just filled with sadness, "Fine."

He seemed to relax a bit, "Thank you."

Leo took a deep breath, "Okay look I know it looks like I love Calypso, and I'll admit that for a while I did. But I promise I'm over her now."

"Really?" I asked, "Because about an hour ago when you were sucking face with her, it seemed you still did."

"She kissed me!" he exclaimed.

"And you willingly kissed her back."

"Look," he said, "After my mom died and I was forced into foster care, I thought that'd I'd never find anyone to love. I thought I'd always be alone and even when I'd I'd found my place at Camp Half Blood I was still an outcast. I tried so hard to fit in but nobody would give me the time of day. I only really had Jason and Piper, even then I was a third wheel. Then we went on this quest and I was yet again I was cast to the side. The seventh wheel. No matter what I was told I'd always be the seventh wheel and that nobody would ever love me. I tried and tried but never was accepted.

So when I met Calypso and she actually seemed to love me for me, I was overwhelmed and completely shocked. I had to save her. She deserved it. At that point I loved her yes, but I don't know if it was only because nobody had ever looked at me that way or if I truly did lover her. Then-"

"You selfish little bitch," I muttered more angry than sad at this point.

"Rowan let me finish!" he yelled at me.

"Leo no!" I yelled back, " Don't you ever look at it from my point of view?! I've been through a hell of a lot too! Quite similar to your experience might I add."

"I know Rowan you were a foster kid too-"

"No you don't know! Every freaking time I moved to a new foster home wasn't just because I couldn't get along with the family, I did it on purpose!"


"When I was put into my first foster home, I was seven. It sounds stupid now but in my little brain at the time it made sense. Well the first foster family I was with had this dog. One day I thought he had to go out so I let him out without realizing I had to take him on a leash and he ran out into the road and got hit by a car. I felt awful, and I thought the family hated me. They were all yelling when it happened and I thought it was geared toward me. So I got angry and started acting up forcing them to have to get rid of me and from then on I told myself I would never stay too long because I knew I would just end up messing up at some point.

Unclaimed~A Percy Jackson/Leo Valdez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now