Invitations and letters

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In the Castle Dunbroch, located in the highlands of Scotland, King Fergus and Queen Elinor were discussing their plans for their work trip across the sea to Paris, France. They were requested to join a meeting between royal families all around the world. Merida and her three brothers knowing the journey itself would bore them to death, decided to stay Scotland.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." King Fergus said sitting comfortably in his study chair.

A young man stepped in the king and queen's private study room and said, "Your highness, pardon my intrusion but a letter was sent."

"From who?" The King asked.

"Hiccup, the son of the former chief of Berk, Chief Stoick, your highness." The young man stated.

"My... My... How interesting!" The king said happily grinning.

He handed the letter and exited towards the door. King Fergus opened the letter and started reading it. Written on the letter was,

"Dear King Fergus,

Hello. I hope I have not sent this letter at a bad time for you but I have some great news to tell you. Before my father died, he'd always talk about Astrid becoming his future daughter-in-law and inviting you, King Fergus, one of his oldest friends, to come and attend my wedding ceremony in Berk. I proposed to her late last month and she replied me with a yes. The ceremony will take place three to four months from now. But if you could come early and enjoy our annual 'Grunt festival' it would be a blast! It is where all Vikings celebrate the achievements they've earned these past few months. There will be a lot of beautiful and exciting events that will happen. I would appreciate it if you and your family could celebrate my wedding day and the Grunt festival with us! The festival starts two weeks and a half weeks from now. I await your reply.


Chief Hiccup of Berk."

"Too bad Elinor and I can't come to the festival because we're in a different country at that time... But I know four children of mine who aren't." He said evilly grinning.

The following day, "Merida, Hamish, Hubert and Harris you four are going to Berk! You leave tomorrow at sunset." The King said surprisingly happy.

"What!" The four siblings replied.

"But Dad, I can't! Angus and I are supposed to be training this week for next week's horse race!" Merida said defiantly.

"We wanted to try shooting some arrows at target dummies these past few weeks!" The three boys exclaimed.

One after another the siblings gave excuses as to not go to the trip to some foreign country. Yet, to no avail. They were shipped off to Berk the following day.

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