Laziness Leading Us To A Lake

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~Anna's POV~

It was a beautifully sunny day in Arandelle. I was hoping to take a stroll in the garden but alas I could not, my duties as princess still need to come first.

In my study, Gérard, my personal butler, came pouncing in with a stack of paperwork.

"Princess, all these must be signed and stamped by yours truly." he said.

"Really? All these?" I said with a perplexed expression planted on my face.

"I'm sorry but yes, all these. Your sister, the Queen, is having her hands full at the moment with other things. You must at least help her with this. It would be of great thanks to all of us." he stated.

His wrinkles going to and fro. All baggy and unamused looking.

"You're right, Gérard. I should at least be able to do this. She has far more things to do than I. I was practically given the leftovers" I looked down at my fountain pen. "Lucky, I guess..."

"Right, Malady. I shall bid you farewell as your husband, Kristoff, is requiring some help in the pantry. He says that 'it is of the utmost importance that I come and assist him' your highness." And with that he gave me a bow and went off someplace else.


After hours of painstakingly stamping and signing and filling in some of the retched paperwork, I decided to rest for a while.

I was rowing around in the castles grounds when I saw something quite peculiar looking from the side of my eye. It was Elsa in the dining hall, alone and singing.

Come to the place where we used to meet

Far from those who can hurt us

For no one can hurt us if we're there

No need to fret

No need to be scared

Just be happy

With me...

I gave her a round of applause. Her voice was as soothing as the wind that was blowing right at that moment, perfectly in synch and calm. It was like as if it was trying to sing with her.

"Oh, Anna! I didn't notice you there." she gave me a warm smile. "Come! Sit."

"Don't mind if I do!" I said, happily. "By the way, why are you here? Alone? Doing nothing but simply sitting?"

I raised a brow.

"Well, I was actually waiting for Olaf and Sven. I was supposed to take them to the lake. You know, the one where we used to got to as kids. But for some reason they're not back yet." she said, shrugging.

"Well, let's go then!" I stood up.

"Wait. Wha-" shall said, unable to find is her sentence as I dragged her out of the room.

"Anna! What about Olaf and Seven?" she asked.

"Oh! Don't mind this silly pusses! They'll be fine! Just an afternoon with your dear beloved sister won't hurt!" I exclaimed.

"You sure about this?" she asked for confirmation.

"Well, yeah. Plus, if we go now, we don't need to do all those paper work we have in store for us for the afternoon!" I stated.

A bright and hopeful expression was plastered on to her face upon hearing what I had just said.

"Then, what are we waiting for! Don't want Gérard and Anthony catching on to our afternoon plans!" she placed her hand over my hand. "Let's go!"


There we were, on a carriage ride heading to an ancient lake just so we could avoid our responsibilities as royals. How wonderful.

This reminds me of something...

"Hey, Elsa... " I asked."This reminds me of Jackson and you."

I gave her a playful grin.

"How so?" she asked.

"You two used to be the laziest! I always knew when you weren't around for lessons and other boring stuff that we had to do as children, you were with him somewhere avoiding those responsibilities." I said.

She giggled.

"Small world, ay?" she said.

"Small it is..." I said.

The carriage came to an abrupt stop. I hit the back of my head in the process.

"You okay? How's your head?" she asked, worried.

"Well enough for me to withstand it. So... It's fine." I said, trying to reassure her that everything was alright.

A knock on the door was heard. We looked up ate the glass window and so that the chauffeur had been waiting for us to come out. We opened the carriage door.

"Your Highnesses, we're here." he said, profoundly.

We hopped out of the cart and so nothing but dirt and greens.

"This can't be it." I said.

"Well, Princess, technically it isn't. For you must walk far up ahead as the ground is too rickety for the carriage to be used." he said.

"Thank you. We shall be heading there now." Elsa said, bowing.

"I shall wait here patiently for both of you." he took of his hat and gave us a low bow.

After almost six minutes of walking through rubble and mud, we arrived our destination.

"Look, there it is!" I said, pointing to the clear waters.

"Beautiful, isn't it." she stated.

It wasn't even a question. And no answers were needed to know that it's beauty was unquestionable.

We ran straight to it, getting all soaked in the process.

Elsa pointed to a swing hanging above the lake. We headed towards it.

One by one, we lunged forward and onto the lake's waters. Splashing all about!


After hours of playing in the water, we headed home all soaked and wet.

"Wow! What happened to you guys!" Kristoff said, rushing to Elsa and I, handing us each a dry towel.

He gave us both a hug.

"Elsa, where'd you go! Seen and I have been preparing our stuff all day and you just disappeared. Like, poof!" Olaf exclaimed.

"Sorry, Olaf... Anna... Ummm... She surprised me with a secret sister bonding day!" she said, nudging my arm. "Right Anna?"

"Y- Yeah! I did! Sorry Olaf. Sorry Seven." I said.

Sven rubbed his head against my shoulders. He gave me a faint smile.

Olaf decided to give me a hug.

Cold! Cold! Cold! I forgot that he is a snowman and I'm freaking soaking wet!

"Everyone! Let them rest. And right after we can eat all the food that we prepared." Kristen said, patting the reindeer and snowman's heads.

They nodded diligently.


Few moments later, we ate a scrumptious platter of pastries and other dishes! What a great way to end off today's activities.

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