the blue seas and Eugene

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My stomach is churning and I feel like vomiting... My face turned pale and my knees gone weak... 

"I can't take it anymore, this boat is making me sick..." I said before chunks of tuna came gushing out of my mouth, forcing me to face the sea. "Let's turn the boat around..."

"Stop it, Eugene. We can't. If we go back to Corona, now... it'll be far worse. As it is in a great distance from our ship--Besides, Arandelle is just right around the corner, we'll be there in just a week's time." Rapunzel, my wife, said.

"Ugh!" I said, pouting.

She walked over to me and said, "Eugeeeene..." 

"What." I said, still with the same look on my face.

She caressed my face and gave me a big old whopping kiss on the lips!

"What was that for?" I said, smirking.

"A small thank you as to agreeing to come with me on this trip. I knew that you highly disagreed on coming at first but you changed your mind for my sake... You truly do love me, don't you." She said with a bright and shining smiling planted on to her face.

"Well, of course I do. By the way... I love you." I said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

She giggled and shortly after that, my stomach made the most horrid set of sounds... I immediately started barfing once again.


More than a week's time had past and Rapunzel's word was clearly just a farce. She had tricked me into believing her, so I decided to wake her up in the middle of the night to give her a taste of her own medicine. 

I had put on one of the head pieces of a taxidermy bear. I looked so freaking creepy. Time to scare my wife!

"Honeeey..." I said, close to her ear.

"Hmm?" she said turning around to face me. "What is it Euge-- AAAAAHH!"

She was screaming from the top of her lungs. 

Right when I was about to take off the silly top, I was hit right in the face with none only than a frying pan. Oh, yeah.... I forgot that my dear loving wife was a pan wielding maniac. Nevertheless, I still love her. 

"Eugene! What the heck?" She said as I was about to pass out.

"Funny, huh?" I managed to say.

And BAM! I was out. 


Few days later, I had woken up with a bandage covering my nose and forehead. I was on my bed with my head facing upwards to the ceiling. 

"What the..." I said, wearily.

"Good morning Honey." She said, emphasizing deeply on the, 'honey'.

She had an evil smirk plastered on to her face, it kept growing and growing. All of it stopped when she came bursting out with laughter.

"You stupid idiot! HahahaHAHAHA! I can't believe that that even happened." She said pointing to the bandages on my face.

"Stupid and idiot are the same. You don't have to say them in the same sentence." I said with my signature pout. "And stop laughing! It wasn't even that funny!"

"Well, be careful next time." She said giving me the warmest and kindest smile. 

"Will do, M'lady." I gave her a playful look.

She giggled and gave me a big ol' bear hug.

"Well... It was pretty funny, I guess..." I said, admitting defeat.

"Oh, by the way. Look outside the deck." she said, this time grinning from ear to ear.

I gave a her confused look.

"I think you'll like it." she said.

She hoisted me upwards with her gentle but strong princess arms and pushed me out of the room. I immediately made a run for the deck and when I arrived there, I couldn't believe my eyes!

"We're in Arandelle!" I exclaimed, joyfully.

I had thought that all my troubles of being on this sickeningly huge boat was over, then something dawned on to me... "Oh, no.... WE'RE IN ARANDELLE!"

Shit! This cannot be happening. Icy cousins with talking snowmen in the summer. It's all coming back to me now...

"Halt! Haalt" I said as the ship was about to dock. "Turn around!"

But it was too late. 

"We're here." Rapunzel said,gleefully surprising me from behind.

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