Time pt4

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I was not only left here stranded and paralysed but also confused! What was I to do! I immediately started panicking and screaming (though I don't really have a voice because I have no voice but you get the idea!).


"What's happening to him, Toothiana?" Santa said, bending down to check on him.

"He's freaking me out... Look! His eyes are wide open and he has this expression on his face that's fucking creepy as heck!" Bunny pointed out.

"I don't know.... Guess we'll just have to wait as Manny's no help right now.." I said looking down upon the wide-eyed yellow and limp man resting in my hands.


This place is so very peculiar... For some reason, my powers don't work here as even from before, when I arrived here, my orangey-yellow glow had faded. It was as if I was a normal human again...

Without notice, I started hearing footsteps. I tried scanning my surroundings but all I could see was nothing but the same old starry sky.

Then, I heard it again! I could hear the steps getting closer to where I was. I was getting even more anxious! The suspense of an evil being about to attack me was infuriatingly scary!

Straight away after my eyes were tightly shut, I could feel a hand creep on my face and a voice saying, "You needn't be so afraid. I am here to help." It was soft and gentle but still had the sense of seriousness in it.

I opened my eyes to see it was a woman with long and cascading wavy locks of jet black hair with some beautiful cloth to covering the rest of her like a cloak.

All of a sudden, my train of thought came to a halt when she gave me a full blown kiss to the lips! What the fuck is happening!?

She swiftly backed away and let me go. I was completely shocked by what had just happened.

"Try moving, now." She stated, making me form a perplexed expression dented on my face. "Go on, Try." She gave me a soft smile which encouraged me to do so.

I first tried to move my neck then fingers then the rest of my body! It worked! I gave her a thumbs up using my fingers instead of sand as I noticed that they were still unable to work in this place. I mouthed a 'thank you' and bowed.

"You cannot speak?" she asked with a hint of concern.

I nodded.

Then again, without warning, she placed her soft lips on mine once again!

"There! All better! Try talking now!" she exclaimed.

I was unsure but I gave it a go anyway, "He- hello?"

"Brilliant! So that's how the Sandman sounds like!"

"Oh- Oh my gosh! I can speak! I can speak!" I was overfilled with joy! I had missed my voice! What a wonderful feeling this was!

I flew around the star-spangled room with eyes bright and me screaming, "My voice! I've missed it! Thank you!" I landed in front of the mystery lady and said, "Thank you! Thank you! You don't know how long it has been!" I could feel tears of joy building up in my eyes.

"Well, I'm glad..." She sighed a relief and said, "But we mustn't waste time, I came here to help you and the rest of the Guardians. Come on!"

Suddenly a black hole started materialising itself. She gave me her hand and we went in.

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