My blind heart

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Few years ago, when my parents were still alive, I was caught dating a servant. His name was Jackson. My parents forbid me to see him again. The reason; not because he was a commoner. It was because I was unstable. Without my gloves, I could hurt him. I could kill him.

~Elsa's POV~

I was crying in my bedroom. I felt like shit. Because of my powers, i had to crush my lover's heart. I do not want Jackson to have the same fate that Anna had when we were little.

Someone was knocking on my door.

"My dear... Please unlock the door." A woman said in a soft and gentle tone. It was my mother.

I opened the door.

"Please don't cry. It's for his and your own good." She said hugging me in the end.

Tears came balling out of my eyes. I couldn't stop it.

"Mother... Why does it hurt so much...?" I said desperately still crying.

"Because your love is real." She stated.

I looked up in surprise. She beamed me a smile.

"That's why you must protect him. Even though it might hurt a lot." She said hugging me tightly.

~Jack's POV~

Elsa has been ignoring me these past few weeks. I don't know why... Does she not love me anymore? It might be because of princess duties or is it because I'm a commoner and her parents do not allow her seeing someone like me? I decided to ask someone who knows her best. Anna.

Anna usually hangs out and plays with the maids and my younger sister in the castle garden or the maids' quarters. I tried finding her in the maids' quarters first, but she was not there. The garden was the only place I knew where she would be. I headed down there to see Anna sitting on a bench alone. How peculiar. I sat down beisde her.

"Hello, Princess Anna." I greeted her.

"Hello." She said staring blankly at the setting sun.

"Not with the maids today, huh?" I asked.

"Nope." She replied.

"Why? I might ask." I said.

"'Cause I don't feel like it." She answered.

"May... I ask you for advice?" I said, not sure of the answer I would get.

"Me? Advice?" She said in a shocked manner.

"Yup." I replied.

"You, sure?" She asked again.

"Positive." I replied.

"Okay... I came here because of Elsa. She has been ignoring me these past few weeks and... and... I don't know what to do!" I said.

"Oh." She said with loneliness in her eyes.

Fuck! Fuck! Bad idea! I knew it was not wise coming to Anna for advice on this matter! Even I knew that her and her sister were not talking anymore! Yet, I still chose to ask her for advice on this subject because... I knew that she knew Elsa the best.

"Ughhh... Never mind! Forget what I just said. Just forget it." I said, regretting my earlier actions.

I patted her head.

"Bye, Kiddo." I said using my nickname for her before waving goodbye.

I started standing up when Anna suddenly placed her hand on my arm and yanked it, forcing me to sit down.

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