Chapter 3

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*Jade's POV*

The only thing I felt was pain. Pain on my wrists, pain in my abdomen, and worst of all the pain in my heart. It hurt too much to open my eyes. I knew I was still naked but I was alone.

Alex really had taken the only thing I had that was truly mine. Why had he done it? Was me eating really that bad that I had to get this sort of punishment? No. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve any of this but yet I can't stop it. I'm too weak.

'Mell? Are you alright?' I heard a faint whimper 'mate' I opened my eyes and as soon as I did, I felt a sting in my stomach. Oh no not this. Not the pain again. It felt as if I was being stabbed a thousand times not only in my stomach but in the rest of my body. My heart beat quickened as heat consumed me. I was sweating and for a moment I actually thought I was being burned alive. I was trying to get air as the pain worsened. I clawed at my chest where my heart was and bit my tongue so no one would hear me scream. The pain was like no other there. It hurt worse than the time in the forest. All of the sudden it stopped. I got air into my lungs and my heart beat went back to normal. What just happened? I looked around my room and collected what was left of my clothes.

I groaned in pain and took my time crawling to my bed. I pulled out my suitcase and found another pair of bra and underwear. Thank gosh. My abdomen stung with every move made. What was I supposed to do now when I can't even move? It was about 5 am which meant I had to make breakfast. Just the thought of going down stairs made me wince. I was still covered in dirt from yesterday and I had no time to shower. Guess I'll be going late to school today.

I got up and made my way down stairs and into the kitchen trying not to rub my legs together. I probably looked like a walking frog but I didn't care. Pain is one thing I'm familiar with, but not this kind.

I got out everything needed to make breakfast. I chose to cook something simple. I made french toast, scrambled eggs, and crisped bacon with freshly cut strawberries on the side. My mouth got wattery but I was used to it. I served every one and put down the plates on the table.

At that moment, the pack entered. I was a little surprised when no one threw insults my way. Yes I got looks of disgust but nothing other than that. Must be my lucky day. I stiffened when Alex walked in the kitchen. He noticed and gave me a sinister smirk that gave shivers up my spine. I put my head down and stayed in my usual corner.

When everybody was done and left the house for school, I picked at the peices they left. I did not want a repeat of last time so I didn't make myself anything to eat. I was too paranoid even though there was likely a chance that Alex won't find out. I went up the stairs and took a shower.


I ended up missing half of my first period. I knocked on the door and walked in. "Well look who decided to join us" Mrs. Stone said. "I-im sorry, I woke up late" I stuttered. "Take a seat then Ms. Fawn." I scurried to my desk in the back of the class. I placed my backpack on the table and took out my items. "Hey" I turned and saw Layla looking at me with a smile. "Uh, Hello" Why would she talk to me? "I saw what happened yesterday in the hallway" I froze. Nobody was supposed to see! "Wh-what are yo-u talking about?" I tried acting dumb. If Alex finds out he is sure to kill me. Probably do what he did yesterday also...the memory almost brought tears.

"I saw you bump into that guy! Gosh isn't he gorgeous or what" she said dreamily. I held back a growl. "What's his name? Alex something...oh yea! Alex Knight! Ever since I saw him yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about him. He must have every girl wrapped around his finger." she leaned her head on her hand and went on babbling. I didn't bother listening. Mell was growling, wanting to tear her apart. 'Mine' she kept repeating over and over again. I was getting a headache.

It felt like eternity when the bell rang for second period. I somehow got my wolf to calm down although it was getting on my nerves. He might be a terrible mate but he is still MY mate. I sighed, feeling my head ache. Thanks a lot Layla.

At lunch

I sat down outside near what I like to call "my tree". I always sit here at lunch so it kind of became my sanctuary since nobody ever comes near it. I took out my book and began to read. Neal Shusterman is by far my favorite author. I smiled in content even though my stomach rumbled. Reading always took me away from this cruel place. Away from what I used to call life.

Now I'm just living a nightmare.

*Eric's POV (Jade's brother)*

Every time I look at Jade Fawn, I have this sudden urge to protect her whenever anybody from the pack does something to her. I don't know why. I never have laid a hand on her because it just feels wrong. Me and Alpha Alex are like brothers. These past few days I've tried convincing him to stop beating her but everytime I bring her up, he lashes out. He must really hate Jade. Though I was surprised when he ordered everyone to not speak to Jade today. Maybe I'm getting through to him.

Because of this strange feeling, sometimes I wonder if it's because I think I have some sort of feelings for her but just the thought of having her as a girlfriend made me want to puke. I mean not in a bad way. Well she isn't ugly I mean I'm not saying she's hot because I never noticed her that way. I look at girls but not her in that way. Dang it. Im not explaining myself right...I'm not a pervert!

Uh anyways I don't know why I feel it. Another thing I don't understand is that we have the same hair and eye color. It's just a coincidence that we have similar face features right?

I have thought that she may be related to me but we don't have the same last names. Jade Fawn and Eric Cole. Are they the same? No. Besides I don't remember at all having a sister in my entire seventeen years of life and I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember either having me as her brother, that's if she ever had siblings.

I don't know much about her, after all.

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