Chapter 12

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*Alex's POV*

My fists clenched and un clenched as I look at the doors the leech ran out of with Jade. I stood in the middle of the hallway contemplating wether I should go and see if she's ok. For a second I was filled with guilt at the site of her eye. I was too stunned that I couldn't stop whatever his name is from leaving.

Wait, since when did I care about her?

Cane all of a sudden growled and my head ached, 'Cane what the fuck' I asked, flinching at the pain. 'GO TO MATE NOW! SHE NEEDS US!' I sighed and rolled my eyes and walked out of school.

For the the past days Cane has been extra tense. At random moments he would suddenly want to be with Jade and it's getting on my nerves. He goes insane then calms down, I'm kinda worried but then again Cane is strong AND an Alpha like me.

I got in my car and drove out of school to the pack house. Now that I know about him, I need answers and fast.

'Whatever you're worried about, it'll be over soon. It always is Cane'

*Connor's POV*

I looked at the clock in my bedroom and saw that it's almost nine. I've been taking care of Jade ever since the incident at school. As soon as Jade wakes up, I'll need to tell her what's happening. I knew all along. I just hoped that I was wrong but from what happened today, it couldn't be anymore right.

I reached out and pushed a strand of hair that was covering her face, behind her ear. She stirred and leaned her cheek more into my cold hand. I got up from the chair I was sitting in and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. I haven't fed myself in a really long time and I could already feel my strength lessen.

I walked downstairs into my basement and opened the door after giving the machine a blood sample of mine. It's the only way to open it, only my blood does it recognize.

I walked in and went down a couple more stairs before reaching the bottom.

It was dark and it has that weird scary feel to it but that's just a spell. That feeling you get when you're alone or scared, you feel like something is behind you, like they're breathing down your neck, the need to run as fast as you can to get away? Yeah that's a spell I put in my basement so if anybody does get through, they won't get far.

I walked over to a fridge I have here and opened it to only have countless blood bags. I picked one out at random and my gums began to sting as I opened the bag and chugged it down.

It was pure bliss.

I sighed in content after I practically almost ate the bag and closed the fridge. That'll last me a good three days. I was about to go up stairs when I looked down at my chin and t shirt. Blood was dripping down and I sighed. This was a good shirt.

I walked back up, closed the door shut, and made my way into the restroom. I took off my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror.

Hm, not bad.

I wiped off the blood from the corners of my mouth and threw my shirt in the trash. I have plenty anyways

I walked out and went back up to my room. I heard a slight yelp and turned around to see Jade hiding under the blanket.

Why is she hiding? "Uh Jade? You ok?" I asked with an arched brow

"Yeah I'm fine!" she said rushed. I smirked and looked down at myself.

"You don't sound fine to me Jade, is something the matter?" I teased. She peaked from the sheets and I caught a glimpse of her red face. I chuckled and took out a shirt from one of my drawers. I put it on and looked at her again, "Better?" she giggled then nodded with a smile on her face.

I sat down in the chair I was sitting in before, and asked with a straight face.

Play time's over.

"Tell me everything Jade" She looked down "What a-are you talking ab-out?" she asked "You know damn well what I mean Jade" She flinched at the harshness behind my words.

"Tell me" and she did. She told me everything from the time her parents died, her brother losing his memory and not remembering anything about his childhood, the pain she goes through every day because of her pack, and down to the part when Alex denied the mating process. It was extremely hard for me to not rip all their throats out that moment but just her voice kept me sane. Throughout everything, Jade tried talking as if it was nothing but I wasn't stupid.

"And that's how I got this" she pointed at her eye as tears ran down her cheeks. "Why have you stayed all those years Jade?" I asked, confused. Anybody else would have left that hell.

She gave me a sad smile "I couldn't leave my brother he's the only family I have left. And besides I know people have it way worse than me. I might not be the luckiest soul but I'm just really grateful for all that I have Connor."

Jade wiped her tears and shrugged her shoulders "I'll be fine, don't worry about me"

I can't possibly tell her now. It'll crush her more than she already is.

But I have to.

"Jade there's something I need to tell you." she looked at me, curiosity clear in her eyes. "I know the reason as to why you get those sudden pains Jade." Her eyes slightly widened but she said nothing. I looked down at my hands and clenched them painfully tight.

"Connor?" she asked softly "what is it?"

Just the thought of this ever happening, made my chest ache.

"Jade. . . you're dying."

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