Chapter 29

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*Mell's POV*

I stirred on my side as I enjoyed the light breeze that caused my brown fur to sway from side to side. Even though the green and soft grass, the pink, purple, and orange sky were very peaceful and beautiful, I knew I couldn't stay here forever.

I tried to stand on my four legs. I stumbled but successfully put myself in a sitting position. I shut my brown eyes and immediately thought of Cane. My heart swelled with absolute happiness and love from thinking of Cane's beautiful pair of silver eyes and black fur. My happiness slowly vanished as I heard his voice

"Be strong, my darling. This may seem like forever, but soon enough we'll see eachother again."

I whimpered and houled in pain. I didn't want to wait. I craved to be with him but my wishes were just that. Wishes.

"I know you can do it. Keep fighting, my darling."

No matter how much I want to reach out to him, I couldn't. My strength has not reached that high. While I was with Jade, I received great damage and I still need more healing to do. Every day I grow a little stronger but I'm still weak. My angel needs me with her. . . my heart aches everytime a tear rolls down her pale cheeks. I can't feel her pain, because of what she did for me. I still can't believe she would go this far as to save me. Risking her life for me to heal. My love for her grew a million times more than before. Not only is she in danger but something is slowly eating her up. I can sense it.

Out of nowhere, Connor's blue eyes took over my vision only for a second, making my heart beat quicken. I purred and got a wolfish smile on my face. He has made me feel things I thought were forbidden but eventually I accepted them. It was incredibly wrong and disrespectful for me to feel this way. . . but I couldn't reject the emotions I did feel.

Alex is not exactly the best mate. No one but Jade and myself could understand how we feel about him. We love Alex, even though he does terrible things. It's called being mates. The love is uncontrollable and unconditional, no matter what. It's something both of us can't deny. He keeps fighting the bond but, from what Cane has told me, Alex is definitely not going to be doing this for long.

On the other hand, I love Connor as well. He treats Jade with such love and care that would drive any person happy. Connor has not only taken my heart, but so has Jade's. Every time he comes near, or is even in her presence, she can't help but wish he was hers. Jade has no clue yet that Connor is her mate as well, but I sure do.

The instant his eyes landed on Jade, she was hooked and so was I. I sensed that too.

Every once in a while I would get a calling from two different directions. One headed to Connor and the other to Alex. I could never decide which always caused me sadness.

I shivered when that familiar attraction and need consumed me. I forced myself to stand again and very slowly, limped and stumbled wherever the wind flowed. Eventually, I stopped at the border line between the meadow in which I was in, and a forest. There was a left and a right. Both sides had a bright light shining through. Both sides made my insides turn with happiness and love. I contined to walk straight. Not going to any sides at the moment. Why? Because Jade hasn't yet made a decision. She doesn't even know that she has another mate. . . yet.

But when the time comes, the choice will be made.

I continued my journey forward for quite a while when I came upon another light. Curiosity got the best of me so I walked to it. I stayed a couple feet away from it, confused. From the time that I had been here, never have I felt another pull. My ears perked up and so did my senses. Something. . . how could I explain it. . . it was just the very tiniest bit more stronger than the other two. It made me feel rather well as I heard faint singing and screams coming from that area. My head tilted to the side, confused. Something told me to leave and that's exactly what I did.

I turned and attempted to run but fell instead. I got back up with my body trembling and limped back into the meadow. I felt at peace and plopped myself onto the grass.

I shut my eyes, suddenly feeling tired. My last thought before sleep consumed me was, What would that direction lead me to?

*Cane's POV*

Not knowing if your mate is okay has to be the worst feeling in the world. I know Mell is not strong enough yet and I'm doing everything I can to encourage my darling. Jade and Mell are the loves of my life. . . if only Alex would know that. My constant reminder of Jade to him are driving him insane and that's exactly what I want. The bastard will soon come to the realization that we need them both and I will not rest until that day comes.

Lately, I have been getting wierd vibes off this Connor guy and honestly, it's pissing me off. When he told Alex that he was her mate too, it made my anger rise to full length. There is no way in fuck that that vampire is taking away my mate. If he thinks that Alex and myself are going to take that then he sure has another thing coming.

Sorry for the extremely late update everyone. School has really been a pain in the arse but I'm finally free! Yay!

So, how did you like the inner wolf's POV? Good? Bad?

And share please!

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