Chapter 4

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*Jade's POV*

The lunch bell rang, notifying everyone to go to class. I put my book in my back pack and made my way to Science. I turned the corner and immediately regretted it. My heart stopped and my body became almost paralyzed.

Alex had Layla against the lockers. They were both sucking faces as if it was the last day on earth. He knows I always go this way for my next class. He was doing this on purpose. My wolf whimpered but I stayed emotionless. I tried to make my face show no feelings when really, my heart was being stabbed a thousand times every second they kissed. I couldn't go any other way to my class so the only option was to go past them.

I sighed and had my head down. Right when I was going to pass them, "Hey! Jade!" I stopped. It was Layla. "Do you wanna hang out today after school?" I looked over at Alex and saw him smirk. I had to get out of here. "No thanks" I turned around and went to my class.

I know it was rude of me but I just couldn't stand having my mate's scent all over her.


At last, this day ended so I went straight to the pack house. I have to go through an alley way in order to get to the house faster. I completely forgot about it the day I was at the forest. Oh well, can't do anything about that now. I went through the alley and hugged my oversized jumper closer to me. It was pretty cold today.

I got to the pack house soon enough and went up to my room. I did my homework and put it in my back pack. I walked out ready to do the house chores when I saw Eric coming down the hallway. Out of everybody in my pack, my brother is the only one who doesn't abuse me. I know he doesn't remember me ever being in his life but maybe it's better this way even though I miss my big brother to death


"Eric!" my nine year old self screamed. "Stop tickling me or I'm gonna tell mommy!" I laughed "I'll stop only if you tell the truth about my cookie!" I laughed harder "Okay! Okay! I ate it I'm sorry Ric!" he stopped and puffed up his chest as if he was king of the earth. "Thanks Jadie" he got off me and ruffled my hair. "I knew you did anyways" I pouted "meanie".

We were outside in the back yard when we heard crashes coming from inside the house. I jumped up, and suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground. I looked up to see a masked man, and I started kicking and screaming. Another man was holding my parents back. "Please I beg you! She's just a child let her go!"

I saw mommy cry. "We'll give you anything just don't hurt my babies! Take me instead!" the bad guy hit my mom and I saw daddy's eyes turn black. I whimpered and tried to get away but couldn't.

I didn't want to leave mommy and daddy! "Daddy!" I cried. Mommy and daddy looked at me with tears and pain in their eyes. I turned and saw a man hit Eric in the head. My brother stopped struggling and suddenly went limp. "Eric?" I whispered and sobbed harder. The last things I heard was two loud noises before I knocked out.

End of flashback-

I found out a couple years after the incident that my parents were murdered by rouges. The only family I have left is Eric but from the hit he got, he completely forgot about me and our parents. During a hunt, my packs' Alpha and Luna found me in the middle of the forest alone and covered in dirt. When the old Alpha took me in, I saw Eric there. I was so happy that I ran up to him, shouting his name but his expression showed confusion. He didn't know me. I know the reason why he doesn't remember me but I don't know why the pack turned against me.

"Hi" I smiled a little. He shifted from one leg to another and rubbed the back of his neck. He always did this when he was nervous, even when we were kids. "You don't have to be nervous around me." I gave a sad smile. He gaped and looked at me with wide eyes and quickly put his hand in his pockets. "Uh yeah hey" An awkward silence came between us. "Um I gotta go, see ya later Jadie". He stopped mid turn and looked at me confused. I on the other hand was ecstatic. He remembers?! Jadie is what he used to call me when we were little!

After eight years he's finally coming to his senses. I don't care how long it'll take for him to remember me. Just hearing Eric call me Jadie made me happy.

He walked away and went back downstairs.

"I love you Ric" I whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear me.

*Eric's POV*

Why did I call her Jadie? That just came out of no where. I probably freaked her out but she seemed really happy just when I said that. My wolf was happy also. 'What was that about Mike?' I asked my wolf. All he gave me was a wolfish grin. He knows something I don't.

I rolled my eyes "whatever"


Author's Note: Hey guys, now you know about the relationship between Jade and Eric. If you guys are confused, what happened was that Eric was hit in the head by a rouge the same day their parents were killed which caused him to lose his memory. I hope you like it so far. I know it's a short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer! Vote, comment, follow, and share please! Tell me what you guys think^.^

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