Chapter 8

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I stirred a little on my bed, getting comfortable. I never knew my bed was this soft. I open my eyes and blinked a few times to see better. This is definitely not my room. . .

"Con you need to get that girl out of here now!" I faintly heard a woman speak

"Look it's none of your business who I bring into MY house" I also heard Connor speak though he sounded annoyed.

Wait I'm in his house? That would explain the gigantic room. I sat up but didn't see him anywhere. He must be in another room.

They're conversation stopped a second later. I heard footsteps coming closer and then Connor walked in closing the door. Everything was silent until he spoke, "how do you feel?" I looked up and smiled a little "I'm much better, thank you"

I scooted over and patted the spot next to me. He looked a little hesitant but sat down anyways, "Do you want something to eat?" he asked and instantly memories about what happened the last time I ate crossed my mind and I shook my head. "No thank you I'm not hungry" that's when my stomach decided to growl. Connor just raised his eyebrow "I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that you're hungry. Weird right?" he said playfully.

"Yes I guess I am" I replied, he stood up and I did too but my legs were still a little wobbly. Connor noticed and picked me up as if weighed nothing, bridle style.

"I could have walked" I mumbled as he carried me down the stairs.

"No you couldn't."

He took me into the kitchen. This didn't even look like a kitchen, it had more of a restraunt feeling to it. I imagined myself cooking all sorts of things in here and that made me smile. Ever since I tasted the steak and mashed potatoes, I was even more curious about all the things I can cook.

Connor set me down on the chair beside a very expensive looking table. "What do you feel like eating?" I thought it over. I'm the guest here so it's polite if I fix something up for him. "May I cook?" I asked. He looked at me a little confused then nodded. I smiled wide and went to opened his fridge and was amazed at all the ingredients that were stored in here. Heck there was even brands I never imagined existed! What I thought was a little weird was that it all looked untouched. Like if no one ever looked in here

I picked out the tomato sauce and cheese. I opened a cup board and saw pasta. Perfect. I got on my tip toes and tried to reach it but before even my finger tips could touch it, Connor came behind me and grabbed the box with ease. At that moment his hand brushed against mine, I was too stunned so I pulled away

"Thank you." I said shyly

He nodded and went back to sit down on the chair.

*Connor's POV*

Watching Jade cook had to be the most amazing thing I have ever seen. She had her tongue out in concentration which I thought was adorable. Her hands moved with such ease that she looked as if she's been cooking for years.

When Jade asked me if she could cook i was a bit worried and relieved because I knew that if I even touched a pan, I would burn the place down. With all the food I have you'd think I would know how to cook but you'd be wrong.

I was worried because just the thought of Jade burning herself had me on edge. I had just met the girl today and I already feel something for her.

Soon enough, Jade finished and placed a plate with pasta drizzed with cheese on top. I've lived for over a hundred years and this is the best thing I've ever smelled. She pushed it towards me and handed me a fork. I thought she was going to cook for herself, definitely not for me since she made enough for only one person.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked hoping she'd say yes since I don't eat food. She stood beside the table with her hands behind her back and her head slightly lowered. Jade looked up "Taste it" was all she said. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, I ate.

After a couple bites, I couldn't take another. It was the best thing I've ever tasted but my stomach couldn't take no more. I ate about half so it left enough for Jade

"That was the amazing Jade, try some" I pushed the plate towards her and got up to get a new fork.

I sat back down to see that the food was completely gone. She had a pleased look on her face. There was no trace of any pasta left, "So I guess you won't need the fork then?" I asked playfully and smirked when her face became red. "Sorry" she mumbled with a little smile on her face.

I took her plate and washed it along with the fork I ate with and turned back to her. I really wanted to ask about what happened earlier even though I already knew exactly what was going on with Jade. She looked to be in a happy mood so I decided to talk about it later. "What would you like to do now Jade?" i noticed that she shivered when i said her name. I smirked.

"Uh anything is fine." I wanted to tease her


She blushed harder if that was even possible and twiddled with her thumbs "Well um I thought you wanted to play a game" Her eyes went wide

"I mean a board game! or- aw man" she mumbled the last part. She probably saw the humor in my eyes because a second later, she laughed

It was like music to my ears

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