Chapter 15

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry for being away for so long. I had too much on my plate these past weeks but I'm back! I made this chapter a little longer than the others because of my absence and I hope you enjoy! Ps: sorry again /.\

*Jade's POV*

The next day went by faster than I hoped. Asking Connor if he could take me to the mall to get new clothes was like asking a dog to grow another leg. Weird.

My mission was to try to get Alex to accept me. As you can tell, I have no confidence what so ever and I have absolutely no idea how to do this. He hates my appearance so I should change if I want my mate.

I mean, I do want to live.

Anyways, after asking, Connor seemed depressed. I didn't want to push so I didn't ask what was wrong. He tried changing the subject every time I mentioned getting new clothes. I have been saving my own money for the right moment and I think this is it but he never took me and I have no idea where a store is.

That's when I remembered a dress my parents had given me when I was smaller.


I was in my room, on top of my bed, about to see if I can fly like the characters in the story mommy would tell me when I heard her call my name.

"Jade! Honey can you come real quick!?" she said from the room next to mine.

I got off my bed and ran out the door as fast as my short legs could let me "Yes mommy?" I asked once I walked into my parents room. She had a big smile on her face and was holding a blue box. I like blue. I looked at daddy and he too was smiling. I smiled and jumped on her bed and onto daddy's lap,

"What's that mommy?" I asked, hoping it's for me.

"Open it" she said softly, still with a smile on her face. I excitedly opened the box only to see a dress. A white dress that clearly was big for my six year old frame.

"It's yours Jade, but you have to wear it on a very special day in your life." she said as a matter of factly. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"It's so pwetty" I said in awe

"When is that special day?" I asked, but she shrugged. "You'll know when the time comes" daddy said as he kissed mommy on the forehead and looked at her the same way mommy looks at him everyday.

I smiled and kissed both of their cheeks "Thank you mommy thank you daddy!" my parents hugged me tight

"Now go hide it from Eric or else he'll want a present too"

*End of flashback*

Now that I think back to that day, I know my parents were talking about mates. They wanted me to wear it when I meet my mate. I shook my head. It won't feel right wearing it with the whole rejecting situation, but if Alex does accept me, then I will. Besides, I have it hidden some place safe in my room and there's no way in heck that I'm going back right now.

I am currently walking down a hallway, not knowing where I am. This place is too big for one person.

"Con-" I called but stopped when I heard him come from behind me a second later "you called?"

I yelped at the sudden voice and place a hand over my heart. "Connor one day you're going to scare me to death" I said in exaggeration.

"We won't have to go to the mall then" he said playfully, but his eyes showed sadness.

I smiled sadly at him and gently took hold of his hand in mine. "Come on" without saying a word, he let me pull him in a random direction that turned out to be the way towards the front door.

As I was about to walk out, I felt Connor tense suddenly. I turned around,

"What's wrong?" I asked as his eyes turned completely blood red. I know he's a vampire.

Don't ask how I found out.

He wasn't looking at me, but straight at the door, almost as if someone was going to enter at any moment

"Connor?" I asked again and gently tugged at his black jacket to get his attention. He seemed to snap out of a trance, then suddenly picked me up and instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck as he ran with incredible speed out the back door that I didn't even know he had.

I shivered at the cold air that was even colder because of the speed we were going. Connor noticed and as quick as lightning, took off his jacket and threw it over me.

I stopped shivering and as I was about to close my eyes, I saw something behind us. I turned my head to see better and gasped. Two, three, heck maybe even five vampires were chasing after us. How did I know they were vampires? They're eyes were exactly like Connor's.

"Connor. Connor there's some of them behind us" I said frantically.

"Keep your head down Jade." He whispered in my ear and I nodded. Just as I did, it's as if Connor had a control monitor because he ran faster if that was even possible.

"Jade, sing" I looked up at him confused, but in the situation we were in, I didn't have time to object. I shut my eyes tight and began to sing,

"I dreamed I was missing,

you were so scared, but no one would listen 'cause no one else cared

After my dreaming,

I woke with this fear, what am I leaving when I'm done here?

So if you're asking me I want you to know

When my time comes forget the wrong that I've done,

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed

Don't resent me and when you're feeling empty,

keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest

Leave out all the rest"

I heard a groan and quickly looked up only to see the vampires chasing us, slowing down. What was going on?

They all suddenly froze and fell to the ground in a kneeling position. Connor stopped running just as I stopped singing. He gently put me down as he spoke,

"What do you want." was all he asked.

One of the vampires laughed, then answered. He looked to be the leader of the group, "You know exactly what I want. What all our kind wants." He smirked even though he looked as if he were in pain.

The others made an attempt to stand, but none seemed to have the power or strength to. The more they moved, the more pain it looked like it caused. The leader turned to me, his pale face only showing animosity.

"So it's you" I began to shake in fear. What about me?

"You're the b-" In a flash, Connor sped to the vampire and as if nothing, grabbed his head and smashed it into the forest ground. I gasped and the sudden urge to puke consumed me as blood erupted from the collision. The sight of it made me tremble and I soon didn't have enough strength to even stand as Connor, one by one, did the same thing to the others.

By the time all of them were surely dead, again, Connor walked over to me. My eyes wide with nothing but horror.

I had too many questions, but it's as if I completely forgot how to speak. "I'll explain everything to you later Jade" He said as he kneeled down infront of me. I flinched away as I saw him drenched in the other's blood.

"Please. . . take us back" I managed to whisper in a shaky tone. I wrapped Connors jacket tighter around me as he took me back to where we were before the vampires came.

I did my best to rid all those thoughts and images of what just happened but as I closed my eyes and let the wind touch my exposed skin, one question stood out to me the most.

Did I cause this?

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