Chapter 28

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Ennata's dress^

*Connor's POV*

I stayed in the center of my living room with clenched fists as I watched him walk out the door. That smirk on his face only made my anger rise. The moment the door slammed shut, my hands seem to have a mind of there own. I reached over, took the small table that was beside me and threw it at the wall on the other side of the room. I watched in slight satisfaction as I imagined it to be Alex's face

Yes I can be immature.

For a second Jade's voice filled my ears and I instantly calmed down. My fangs retreated as well as the murderous images of that mutt which brought a smirk to my lips.

With a heavy sigh I plopped down onto the sofa. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration then burried my face in the palm of my hands. I was never a violent person, but I can't help it. That guy just ticks me off on so many levels. I can't believe the moon goddess paired Jade with Alex. What the hell was she thinking?

A light bulb switched on. Why wonder when I could ask face to face?

I got up, stomped down into my basement to the hidden book case I keep locked. With a sample of my blood, the door slid to the side and my eyes instantly landed on the black book with blood red vines wrapped around it. There was no title to it because there's only one copy.

I opened it and it took me straight to the page I was looking for. The summoning chant. I placed the book onto the ground and with my blood, made a moon. After all, that is who I'm summoning. Not just any regular supernatural being can do this, only the ones who are powerful. If someone not strong enough attempted to do this, the only result will be death because of the overwhelming effect it has on the body which is why I keep it hidden along with the other stack of books.

I chanted a saying in Latin I know like the back of my hand and suddenly an extremely bright light flashed for just a second, yet it brought exactly who I was looking for.

"Hello Connor" A soft, mellow voice greeted. After my eyes stopped stinging, I looked forward and cracked a smile, "It's been a long time, Ennata."

Her long, white coloured dress extended about half a foot from behind as well as her dark black hair which was draped over one shoulder, and ended a little past her hips. Flawless skin and golden eyes, and a moon imprinted on the center of her chest. She was a beauty.

"Indeed it has. I had a feeling this was going to happen sooner or later." Ennata responded. "It's a pleasure having you here" I slightly bowed but she waved me off "Oh Connor, you know I've always been okay with you calling me by my name." I smiled and stood straight up again. Ennata and myself have known each other ever since I turned into a vampire. She was the one who helped me control my hunger and strength that I suddenly had after a vampire had bitten me when I was human. Anybody would have died in an instant but the cruel bastard thought it'd be hilarious to leave me on the ground with barely any blood in my system, gasping for breath, and watching me wither on the ground.

I thought it was going to be the end for me until Ennata showed up. I remember she gently touched the man on the shoulder and in an instant, he was six feet underground. She saved me that day and I owe her my life no matter how many times she says I owe her nothing.

"Ennata, I have a question" I said. She made a tsk sound as she was looking around the room with a raised brow. "Now Connor is this such a way to treat a lady?" I forgot, Ennata likes to be comfortable when it comes to something serious. I nodded and turned to walk up the stairs but I didnt hear any footsteps behind me, only a light snap. "It's a nice place you have here. Better than your last location." I heard from up the stairs a second later.

Yes, she can teleport which I was always envious of.

By the time I got upstairs, she was already seated in the living room with her hands neatly folded on her lap. "Now, what was so important you needed to summon me for? I was in the middle of some match making you know."

I plopped down infront of her, in the same chair I was in earlier. "Right. Don't want you making any mistakes" I hinted. Ennata made a slight sigh like sound but she said nothing, so I continued. "I met my mate. Her name is Jade Fawn" Ennata nodded, "I'm well aware" My fists clenched "Then you must also be well aware that she has another mate as well" She stayed silent then nodded again. "Yes I know"

"Why." I demanded. "This has never happened before Ennata. A wolf having both a vampire and wolf as mates? It's unheard of!"

She didn't look at me. Her head tilted to the side just the tiniest bit, "It just happened" she answered. It just happened? What the heck is that supposed to mean? "What do you mean"

She shrugged, "It just happened. I couldn't stop it." Confusion and anger took over me. "This isn't a joke. Tell me why all this is happened!?" I shouted. Ennata looked at me, her pupils slowly turning black "Remember who you're speaking to Connor. We may be close but I demand respect." Ugh! How stupid of me. If I were anybody else, Ennata would've killed them in a second. "You're right. I'm sorry."

Her eyes slowly turned back to their beautiful gold. "Look Connor, I couldn't stop this from happening. The moment Jade's spirit was born, I had a feeling there was going to be trouble. Jade is extremely delicate yet she's very strong. That power she has can be the end of everything. . . the more time passes, the thing inside of her will eat her up. She'll become a walking disaster. You need to help the girl Connor. . . both you and the other wolf." She paused and took in a deep breath "Her brother is her protector, her guardian. Not just in a family way. He was born to put his life on the line for Jade. The moment her inner evil fully rises, so will her brother's guard. It can't escape."

"I'm the only one who has the power to give someone a mate. Whoever I feel is right for the other. . . but when it came to Jade, the job was already done. No matter how many times I tried to separate Alex and Jade, it didn't work. Nothing did. As time passed by, I saw what was happened between the two and I knew I had to do something. I needed to do something. So I combined all my beings to try and force those two apart. . . yet nothing worked. Even though it looked non existent, Alex and Jade have an extremely strong bond. . . . But so do you. Even though you've only met Jade for a month, both of you have a bond just as strong."

My insides turned and the tiniest smile made its way to my lips. I didn't say a word and Ennata continued.

"And that makes what I'm going to say next, harder. . . Jade needs both of her mates. Alex and yourself. Not just you or not just him. Both of you for the sake of Jade and her wolf."

My eye twitched and fists clenched.

"Her wolf is fighting with all her might. She's healing, but the problem is one can not tell when they're wolf will appear again. Something must strike her wolf to finally break the barrier. When that happens, Jade will be able to control her inner demons. Because the dark aura is getting stronger by day, anything that causes her pain will not cause tears, but fire. Right now, everyone is in danger."

Ennata's posture became rigid. "They know I'm here." She said in a calm voice. My eyes slightly widened, I stood up and darted towards a window but after seeing nothing, I turned around to face Ennata who was sitting calmly on the sofa. "Who knows you're here?" she had a far away look in her eyes before speaking "Eleven. No. Eighteen Rogues are coming this way."

My breathing stopped for a milisecond "We need to get you out of here Ennata." I said frantically. She stood up, patted down her dress and looked at me seriously "Do what you can to stop the wicked inside of Jade, Connor."

With a snap of her fingers, she was gone. I looked down at the palm of my hands only to see the scars already healing from my finger tips digging into my skin. A flash of Jade's smile and the sound of her laughter made my decision perfectly clear.

No matter how much I disliked it. . . . Alex and myself need to band together.

& Follow please!!

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