Chapter 19

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*Alex's POV*

I was running through the forest, trying to somewhat take this obnoxious feeling of worry off my chest. The harder it rained, the faster I ran.

'Alpha! Um something is wrong with Jade and I think she needs you but I don't know why' I suddenly heard Eric through the mind-link. I stopped abruptly as my wolf seemed to awaken at the mention of Jade.

Something inside me snapped and as I let out a growl, my paws pounded against the forest ground. From a distance, I heard a faint scream of agony. This only made me run faster. I barged into the house after transforming back and putting on a pair of shorts.

I took a couple steps back. The house was blazing hot. The walls were turning red as if someone was seeting it on fire. Somehow, that was the least of my worries. "Jade, breath. I'm here." I heard a male voice as I neared the infirmary. The heat was fading and my wolf was, for whatever reason, pissed off. "That's it."

As soon as I walked in the room, I saw Jade on the verge of passing out. "Get the fuck away from her" I growled at the stranger standing way too close to Jade for my liking.

The guy smirked and that's when I noticed the smell of vampire. In an instant, I held him by his neck against the wall. "What the fuck are you doing on my property" I sneered. He looked over at Jade and then back at me. I too looked at Jade and noticed that her skin that had previously been a sickly red, was now perfectly fine as well as her breathing. "I think it's best if we handle this somewhere else" he said. I glared but let him go.

He rubbed his neck, trying to get the feeling of it back and then walked out of the infirmary. I looked at Jade one more time, then followed him. We walked out of the pack house and to the backyard.

Good. Perfect place to rip him apart. Before I can even land a blow, he speaks. "You know, it's unheard of for a vampire and werewolf to mate. It's never happened, but then again, there's always a first time for everything." What the fuck was he going on about? "Get to the damn point leech." I growled. He chuckled humorlessly, ignoring my demand. "You're killing her. Every moment you spend away from Jade, kills her bit by bit. Both her and her wolf are waiting for their piece of shit mate."

'He's right.' was all Cane said. He tried his best to hold back his anger, but the next thing that came out of the blood sucker's mouth made Cane and I snap.

"It's extremely rare, but Jade is my mate as well." I lunged towards him and smirked when I landed a fist to his cheek. He stumbled backwards, but made no move to attack. "I'm going to let that pass. As I was saying, Jade can and will be mine unless you claim her. The pain she feels will disappear if you do." I chuckled "And what if I don't?"

Silence. The only thing that can be heard is the wind and the rustling of the leaves. His eyes suddenly turned blood red and in the blink of an eye, he was face to face with me. I smirked.

"You must have a death wish because you have no idea what she will become if you don't. She won't be the same person." He stiffened and looked in the direction behind him. He cursed under his breath and quickly turned to me "Jade needs you and if you don't accept her then you will surely regret it." he chuckled and slowly stepped away "Who knew a piece of shit like you could have the most beautiful gift in the world." With those last words, he disappeared.

I stayed put outside. Jade was mates with him? As if. Eric came out of the woods with an angry yet confused look on his face. "You're mates with Jade?" He asked, his fists clenched. "And yet you treat her like crap?" He said the second part more to himelf. I sighed. Might as well have the whole pack know, but my reputation is on the line.

"Sorry I have to do this, but I can't have any other people find out about this curse." Eric looked at me confused "What do yo-" I cut him off with a blow to the head. He immediately fell down to the ground, unconscious. I watched as my knuckles healed from that powerful hit. By the time he wakes up, he won't have any memory about what just happened. It's for the best.

Eventually I walked back inside the pack house and to the infirmary. As soon as I did, Jade was kneeled down on the floor, picking up the broken glass. She looked up at me, her hair covering an eye. "I-I'm sorry for the mess Alpha, I'll get it cleaned up." She went back to picking up the glass, cutting her hand in the process. She hissed.

I grunted and walked away. As if I would want that weakling as a mate.

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