Chapter 39

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Happy Thanksgiving!


*Jade's POV*

I gasped and leaned my back against a tree. I looked down at my feet and saw that they were covered in mud. My legs had tiny scrapes due to some fallen branches but it was nothing major. I reached above me and hoped onto a branch of a willow tree and sat down.

Who knew it was going to rain this hard.

I hugged myself to try and control my shivering but it was basically impossible with my clothes being drenched. My hair stuck to my face and neck because of how damp it got. Every time I let out a breath, white cold mist appeared. It was freezing.

But no matter how hard the weather condition was, I still loved it. I smiled at the dark sky. It's feeling the same way I am.

I stayed seated on the branch until the rain calmed down a bit and it did in a matter of minutes. I got down, and continued to run. I surprised myself at how fast I ran. No I don't have a wolf's normal speed, but I was slightly proud of myself at the pace I just found out I could go. At a human's pace.

I kept going until dawn, when the sky was just beginning to lighten up, after taking a couple breaks of course.

I was able to get away without leaving a single trace. Every single step I took was excruciating. So many times have I contemplated on turning back, heck I almost gave in a couple times, but I knew I had to keep going.

I had already lost count at how many towns I had passed. I collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily. I needed water. When my heart was at it's normal pace again, I got up and began walking, taking in my new surroundings.

It was beautiful.

The rain made the trees look shiny, if that was even possible. Drops of water fell off from the leaves and to me, it was fascinating. I went over to it, cupped my hands together under the leaf closest to me and watched carefully as the water drop slowly fell down and onto my palm. Why this made me happy, I don't know but I felt at peace and all my worries went away.

I giggled as another water drop fell on my arm from another leaf and then one on my already wet hair.

I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and my heart stopped. I turned around and was met with an unfamiliar face. I knew I was going to come in contact with people but why were they this deep into the forest?

"I assume you like the rain?"

The guy said. He looked to be around my age, maybe a couple years older. I gulped and quickly wiped the water on my clothes then groaned internally for trying to wipe water on already wet clothes. How strange would that be?

What a good first impression.

The guy smiled. "I'm Zeke, but everyone calls me Zeke"

He chuckled lightly. I stayed quiet, still not knowing what to do. "Well that didn't work" he mumbled to himself.

"Hey why don't you come to town with me, you must be freezing." Zeke said while pointing at my obvious shivering body. I looked at him and didn't sense any danger at all, before slightly nodding, I needed something to drink.

He gave me a friendly smile and turned around. "I'm Jade." I blurted. He stopped mid step and turned back around to face me. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Jade."

I smiled shyly. I was behind him about a foot away as we both walked to town, he took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders. My body stopped shivering a little because of the warmth. I peeked up from my bangs and saw his charming face.

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