Chapter 22

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Hello everyone! Thanks to all who commented, and the majority of you chose Alex, so here it is. Enjoy!

*Alex's POV*

'She's so beautiful' repeated Cane over and over again, nearly driving me to the brink of insanity.

'You're driving me nuts Cane get a fucking hold of yourself!" I growled. He ignored my demand 'Mate' Ever since this morning, he's been thinking non stop of Jade, more than usual. Okay I will admit, I have had thoughts of her here and there but not as much as my wolf

'That's a lie' said Cane and I could image him with a wolf like smirk. 'Whatever. I've got more important things to think about and so do you' Like the vampires for example. More specifically, the one that "warned" me. What the fuck was that about? Did he even know who the hell he was talking to? And what did he mean "Jade was going to change"?

Probably some bullshit to force me to mate with her. Well guess what, that's definitely not going to happen. Cane sneered and I sighed, ignoring the pain in my head 'An Alpha needs his Luna. We already have a perfect one' I rolled my eyes 'We'll find one because it sure as hell isn't going to be Jade.'

The bell rang and I began walking towards my next lesson. Sometimes I wonder if I even need an education. I mean, who wants to have the same routine for four years? Not me that's for sure. By the end of the hallway, I saw Eric looking around for someone. Not wanting to go to class just yet, I decided to greet him "Hey man what's up." I said. He looked at me with confusion clear in his eyes, "Uh hey. . . do I know you?" I raised an eyebrow. "Dude, you're that tired? Well wake the fuck up because the day just started." I said. I knew he wasn't a morning person but seriously? I brushed passed him when I noticed that the halls were nearly empty.

I was just about to round the corner when Eric called me back "Hey! If you know me, then you must know my sister right?" His sister? Now it was my turn to be confused. "Sister? Since when do you have a sister?" He sighed. "I've always had a sister. I'm looking for her but I can't seem to find her" Okay he's gone officially insane. "What's her name? Maybe I've heard of her before" Might as well help the guy

He thought about it for a moment, "Her name's Jade Fawn." I think I choked on air. "She's 16, has brown hair, brown eyes, looks like me but is a small little thing." He kept on describing Jade perfectly. My Jade? What. the. actual. fuck.

He stood there patiently waiting for my reply even after the late bell rang. Now that I really look at him, they both do hold similarities. "Uh no, sorry." Is basically all I could say. "Oh alright well keep an eye out for me will yah? Thanks" Eric gave a cheeky grin and began walking down the hallway. I stood there, not fully understanding.

Why didn't my parents tell me that Jade and Eric were siblings? Sorrow took over me at the thought of my parents but it immediately turned to anger. If it wasn't for that day, they would still be here. Every adult in my pack would still be here.

I shook my head to rid these thoughts. "Hey you!" a voice behind me said, more like screamed. I turned around to see a girl with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot. As soon as she saw it was me, she gulped and I mentally smirked. "What" my voice boomed, making the lockers rattle. She flinched back a step and gulped again, "Y-you're late to c-class so I ha-ave to give you a det-ention slip." she squeaked.

I smiled, and bent down until I was eye level with her "I'd like to see you try." I whispered in her ear, making the girl shiver "I can let you g-go th-this time" she mumbled. I stood up and turned around, satisfied. Pathetic human.

I walked into class, ignoring the stares I got, more so from the girls. I sat down and couldn't help but look over at Jade. Yes we share only one class together, though she's up to the front. I couldn't help but crack a smile at the way her tongue stuck out in concentration. I saw someone tap her on the shoulder, causing her to jump a little in surprise. Cane growled at the guy and with my special hearing, I was able to listen to their conversation

"Um hey, you're Jade right?" The stranger questioned her. Jade nodded but said nothing. "Well I was thinking if we could hang out together at lunch today?" He asked. I couldn't quite see his face but it was clear that the guy was nervous of Jade's reply. I gripped the edge of my desk, trying to control both me and my wolf. Jade's eyes slightly widened but said nothing.

After a couple seconds, she responded "okay sure, but can my friend come along too?" The guy slightly slouched in defeat or maybe disappointment "of course just as long as you're there" Jade gave him a shy smile and I smirked at his idiotic attempt to flirt. How cheesy can this dude get? She turned back to face the front of the classroom and immediately continued with her note taking. The guy did the same but every once in a while, he'd sneak glances towards her.

I let out a silent growl and tried controlling Cane 'Mine. Only mine.' he sneered. My vision got blurry for a second and all I could see were images of the guy's lifeless eyes. My knuckles turned white and I smirked.

The bell rang and every one walked out. She must have sensed me because she turned the exact moment I stopped walking. Even though we were ten feet apart, I still saw the redness cover her cheeks as our eyes locked. I tried showing no emotion but Jade must have seen something in my eyes because hers suddenly sparked up with hope. I turned around, ignoring Cane's complaints and went as far away from her as possible before I did something I was going to regret.

'Liar' Cane chipped in. Not being able to hold back, I punched the nearest thing next to me as hard as I could which just so happened to be a locker. I imagined it to be the guy's face and punched it again and again until my fist went past the locker door to the wall. Somewhat satisfied, I slowly started heading towards my next lesson, not giving a damn if I came late or not.

I normally would have left school, but there's no way in hell that I'm letting both of them have lunch together. I need to find a way to get rid of both the leech and the other damn human from class.

I sighed, 'Looks like we're going to stay a little longer Cane'

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