Chapter 27

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Author's Note:
Before this chapter begins, I want to give a major shout out to ---> @Shanriel_Mortis69 for making this incredibly amazing fan-art for my story. It's an honor and thank you so so much, it's beautiful!<3<3<3 (I know I've told you that many times before but I can't help it!) -^.^-

Now, my lovely readers have spoken! The winner is. . . . . . .


*Alex's POV*

"This better not happen again" I tell Jade, making sure I sound as threatening as I can when in reality, all my wolf wanted to do was check to see if she was okay.

"Yes Alpha" she whimpered with a nod. I walked away and entered the pack house, ignoring the slight smell of ash and entered my office. I sat down behind my desk with a heavy sigh.

There's no doubt in my mind that Jade started that fire.

The blood sucker, what's his name again? Connor? I growled and slammed my fist on the desk, almost breaking it in half. That fucking leech knows more than what he told me the other day.

"That son of a bitch" I muttered and angrily ran my fingers through my hair.

I need to know what the hell is going on with Jade and how exactly did that fire happen. She had not one scratch or burn on her body even though there was literally fire surrounding her. . . . it's almost as if it was a part of her. . . No. That's nonsense.

I needed answers and now. I could ask Jade, but I want the leech first. I stayed for a couple hours in my office, wanting to make sure that everyone was in their rooms. 'Mark. Thomas.' I mind-linked my beta and third in command. Immediately, they responded at the same time 'Yes Alpha?'

I couldn't waste anymore time. 'Take care of the pack while I'm gone. I'm counting on you two' I ordered. 'Yes Alpha.' They once again said in unison but with seriousness behind their voice. I knew everybody was in good hands so with that in mind, I walked out of the pack house, into the forest, and transformed into my wolf.

I ran and ran until I reached the border of my land. 'Do you smell that' I asked my wolf as I sniffed the forest ground. He growled in response, 'It's him. He's here somewhere.' I kept on with my search until I found a stronger scent leading past the border and straight into the untouched territory. Was I really willing to go onto land that probably held rogues, hunters, vampires, and what not?

'For the safety of our mate.' Cane added. I didn't bother arguing with him. 'Okay sure.' I thought only to shut him up.

I lifted my head up and faced forward, looking around trying to sense any danger but found nothing.

With one small step, I left my territory and bolted in the direction in which the scent got stronger. My paws pounded against the dirt, causing the ground to rumble because of the speed I was going at. Everything around me simply turned to a mixture of blured colors. I slowed down when my ears picked up something in the far left.

Both Cane and I stayed still, the only sound that was coming from us was our heavy heartbeat.

'To your right!' Cane suddenly growled and instantly my body dodged the blow that was coming towards me.

I turned around and saw a grey colored rouge who was about to pounce again, but this runt didn't know who he was messing with. I jumped and sank my jaws down onto his throat, he tried not to show the pain it caused as he continued to struggle out of my grip. I would have enjoyed this but I didn't have time for bullshit at the moment so with one slight movement of my neck, his body went limp. I dropped the disgusting thing onto the ground and continued my hunt.

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