Chapter 36

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*Eric's POV*

For hours, I spent laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. So many emotions ran through me that it was hard to comprehend what was going on at the moment.

A while ago, Alex had come barging into the house and ordered a pack meeting,


"Everyone pack meeting now!"

Alex said making everyone jump and whimper at the force behind his voice. Everyone immediately dropped what we were doing and in a couple seconds, we were all together standing before him.

"I need some volunteers to accompany myself and the trackers in search for our Luna." He said straight out. My eyes widened in surprise along with everyones else's.

"Alpha! We have a Luna?!" One said eagerly. The pack exploded in happiness with huge smiles on their faces. Heck some even jumped. I looked over my shoulder and saw Zaiden hopping and hugging everyone that surrounded him with a wide smile on his perfect face. I cracked a smile at his adorableness when Alex's next words surprised us all

"Your Luna and my mate is Jade Fawn" The room turned deadly silent. No one said a word. A freaking pin would drop and the sound would echo entirely. Pack members gapped at the sudden news including myself.

"Alpha, this must be some kind of sick joke right? Is it April fools or something? Honestly. That can't be your mate! Something so weak could never be a Luna, let alone ours! "

Ashley said in a bitter tone and to everyone's surprise, Alex growled. And it wasn't just any growl, no. One that made the entire house shake and the windows rattle. Some even cracked.

It's safe to say that shit's about to go down.

Ashley instantly closed her mouth. Her eyes widened and I think I even saw tears. Alex looked forward again and went back to business

"Keep in mind that our only weakness, silver, is going to be used against us. Prepare to sacrifice your lives just as I am mine. Any volunteers?"

He demanded instead of asking. Out of more than two thousand people in the pack, only about a hundred or more stepped up or raised their hands.

I was not one of them.

Alex looked down at me with a glint in his eye. And not a good one.

"No more people?"

He asked but was looked straight down at me with an emotionless face. After a few seconds, he nodded and shot me a look that made me want to run straight back into my mother's womb before turning to face everyone.

"Thank you all for your bravery. Meet in the backyard with the trackers, now. Dismissed."

The pack bowed and turned to leave while Alex and the ones who volunteered headed to the backyard.

End of flashback-

I rubbed my face and replayed what happened between Jade and I. I sat up and punched the wall across of me in annoyance. I know I should be the typical protective, loving brother and I was. However that went straight out the window. No way in fuck  am I going to help out in the search. Like I said, she should burn in hell. She deserves it after all she did to us.

That monster.

'It wasn't her fault and you know that!'

My wolf has said for the hundredth time already.

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