Chapter 18

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Three day weekend gave me a chance to finish this chapter. Yay!


*Jade's POV*

It took me hours to convince Connor to bring me back home. I know he's looking out for me but I can't hide forever, even though I sometimes wish I could. I can do this. I think.

After taking a big breath, I walked up the path to the front door and walked in. I heard the sounds of screaming and a growl. I instantly recognized it to be Alex and I gulped. 'Come on Jade, you can do it. We can do it' I imagined Mell say and somewhat relaxed.

A second later, the sounds of pounding footsteps could be heard and I panicked. I quickly hid behind what was closest to me. My mate's chocolate scent was getting closer and my body naturally reacted to pure bliss.

I mentally thanked the heavens that it had rained, meaning my scent was gone, for now. It was as if time was mocking me. What felt like centuries was mere seconds as he passed directly by the antique shelf I was hiding behind.

I closed my eyes shut and let out a breath when I heard the door slam shut. "Why are we hiding behind the shelf." I heard someone whisper and quickly turned around to see Eric crouching down next to me. I looked at him confused. Why was he hiding?

"Uh I dropped an earing" I whispered back and got up. "Oh okay." he got up as well and towered over me. As I stepped out and slowly made my way up the steps, I noticed that Eric was still behind me, "Are we ninjas?" he suddenly asked and I turned around to look at him and I'm positive I had a 'what the heck' face because he shrugged and continued up the stairs with his back against the wall as if he actually was a ninja.

I cracked a smile when I remebered how much he obsessed over them when we were smaller and our mom scolding him, daily, for trying to "skillfully" climb a tree, only resulting in him falling and spraining his ankle. Even after it healed, he immediately went straight to that tree.

Even so, I followed him until we arrived at my room and once we got there, I opened the door and walked in. I thought Eric had left, but he sat down on the floor after closing the door and I didn't mind at all. "So um where is everybody?" I asked as I sat down across from him. "They went out to party. It's Friday after all" he shrugged. I nodded "Why didn't you go?" Eric usually went out with the pack. "Oh, I felt like playing ninja for the night and um also I was worried so I stayed behind to see if you were coming back." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly nervous to what my reaction would be. My reaction? I was eternally screaming in happiness. Does this mean he remembers?!

"Thank you. I'm fine" I answered and mentally thanked him for not asking where I was. "You got bangs." Eric stated. I did indeed get some, but only to cover a certain eye of mine. "I thought it'd look okay." he nodded "It looks cool" he said.

I smiled and thanked him again. I took this chance to ask him about his past. "Hey Eric, what were your parents like?" I know it might have sounded creepy but it's a starter. He thought about it for a moment and shrugged. "I don't really remember my parents but the former Alpha and Luna raised me as their son so in a way, they are my parents." he said the last thing with what looked like longing. I too missed the old Alpha and Luna. If it wasn't for what happened years ago, they would still be alive today along with the rest of the adults that were in the pack.

"What were yours like?" he asked. I blinked back the tears and smiled "They were more than I could ask for." he smiled. Eric stayed silent for a while. His facial expression told me he was fighting with himself to say something. Eventually, he did "Did you ever have siblings?" his eyes filled with curiosity.

Should I tell him that he is my sibling? No. At least not now. I couldn't risk having him think I'm crazy and stop speaking to me.

"Yes I had a brother but he left with my parents" I mumbled. A sob almost escaped my lips but I was able to hold it in. "Oh, I'm sorry" Eric said, I know he regretted asking by the reaction on his face.

I changed the question to get rid of the sadness that came over us both. "What's your favorite color?" I asked even though I already knew. It's green, like the color of that tree he liked climbing so much. "I always liked green. I don't know why." he answered and I did a mental happy dance knowing my brother's memory was in there somewhere.

We spent hours talking and asking each other questions. I enjoyed every second when that pain came again. My eyes went wide and I groaned. Eric noticed and instantly went to my aid. "Hey, Jade are you alright?" He asked nervously. I tried to respond but I whimpered in pain as it got worse. He went to touch me but he immediately took his hand off my arm as if it had burned him. "Shit" he cursed under his breath at the pain in his hand.

Eric ignored the burn and picked me up with ease and held me in his arms as he quickly ran down the stairs to the infirmary. "HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE!" he screamed frantically. My breathing was cut into short gasps as the pain spread to the rest of my body from head to toe.
I felt myself being placed on something soft which I assumed was a hospital bed. With the little vision I had left, I saw Eric's eyes filled with both fright and worry. "You'll be alright Jadie just hang in there okay? Come on, keep those eyes open." he said. "Sir! Your arms are burned and they're bleeding! We need to get yo-" a nurse began to say "FORGET ABOUT MY DAMN ARMS AND HELP HER!" Eric shouted.

My mouth opened in what was a scream in pain, but my voice was completely lost. My body began to tremble as my insides too felt as if they were set on fire. I need Alex. With the strength I had left, I was able to say his name "A- Al- ex" Eric somehow knew what I meant, nodded, and bolted out the door as fast as he could.

My body went limp. The doctor injected about five needles in my burning skin which only made the pain lessen not even a tiny bit. What the heck were they doing?!

I suddenly was able to regain my voice and I let out a scream in agony. Tears ran down my face as the walls shook. Tools fell. Glass fell to the ground and broke.

The room began to slowly burn up. A feeling inside me grew. Anger. Hatred. The need to kill. Connor's voice instantly filled my ears. "Jade, breath. I'm here." His soothing voice made those terrible thoughts and voices fade. "That's it" he said.

A second before I blacked out, Alex's powerful voice growled throught the entire room.

"Get the fuck away from her."

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