Chapter 26

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*Jade's POV*

I arrived at the pack house not long after the last bell rang at school. The pack usually arrives a couple hours before dinner time so that gave me enough time to get everything ready. I dropped my backpack up in my room, changed out of my nice clothes and into regular sweats with the beautiful red shirt Connor had gotten for me, then quickly went downstairs to the kitchen. I put on an apron and rolled up my sleeves.

Time to get cooking.


I had just finished setting up the forks, spoons, plates and food on the table as I heard dozens of footsteps and chatter coming towards the kitchen. I grabbed a cloth, quickly wiped my hands and stood in the corner with my head down.

Surprisingly not one insult was shot my way. However I did receive both looks of disgust and loathing.

Everyone in the pack sat down in their desired seats. No one touched their food because first comes the Alpha so as soon as Alex starts eating, the pack does as well. My heart raced when I sensed him walk into the room. As soon as he sat down, I immediately went to the get his plate which is always separated from the rest. I placed it with shaky hands infront of him, bowed in respect, then scurried back to my corner. I felt his eyes glare down at me, but he didn't say a thing. Why? I don't know.

A second later, the kitchen was filled with conversations here and there. I looked up just in time to see one of Ashley's friends bite her lip while looking at Alex. My heart stung when he sent her a wink.

'Do you see how they act as if you're not important?'

I jumped in surprised and looked around to see who the voice belonged to, but no one even seemed to notice

'Like you're worthless, weak, powerless, but you know we're not'

The voice continued. The sinister voice sent unpleasant chills down my spine. I looked up again to figure out who was speaking to me, but not one soul was looking my way. Was I going crazy?

'We can destroy them. Make all of them feel the pain you went through'

Flashes of dead bodies filled my head and my body began to shake. Yes. I can give them what they gave me. Pain. Beyond their wildest imagination.

'Yes. Kill them. Make them pay'

The evil female voice who sounded awfully similar to mine said with a chuckle. My lips formed a smirk and my hands twitched in anticipation. The room began to shake just the tiniest bit as my smile widened.

"Hey what's going on?" one person said as the table shook, making the tableware fall to the ground. Some girls yelped while others cursed. I chuckled as I stood there, unfazed by what was going on around me.

'Burn. You all deserve it'

I thought and as soon as I did, the kitchen walls began turning a red, almost black color. The pack rose to their feet and began running out of the kitchen. I stayed put, not affected at all by the rising heat and began laughing. Laughing at their blood covered bodies and mutilated faces.

"Jade!" A frantic voice called out to me. My laughter stopped and my eyes widened, wait. What was I thinking? This isn't me! Thousands of sparks covered my body as Alex picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and ran. His touch stopped the flames that were beginning to grow. The walls slowly turned back to their white, cream color only leaving a trace of ash.

Everybody was gathered outside the pack house, wandering what caused the sudden flare "What the fuck just happened?" Some questioned while others shook with fright. "It was horrible. . . did you sense the aura? Evil. Pure evil." I gulped and shut my eyes tight, hoping this was all a dream

"Everybody calm down." Alex said calmly but held such power behind his voice, every wolf immediately stopped speaking. "There was a minor gas leak-" for a split second, he looked my way "-everything is fine."

"That bitch tried to kill us!" Everyone's eyes turned to me. "It was you wasn't it?!" I stuttered a response, what was I supposed to say knowing that no one would believe me? "She probably poisoned our food too!" Another voice said in the far distance, followed by a chorus of 'yeahs'

"N-no I wouldn't do that! It was an accident I swear!" I didn't even know why I was trying to convince them, knowing it was useless but I couldn't simply allow them to come up with such absurd accusations right infront of me!

"Liar! Traitor! Killer!" Words were thrown left and right. I felt the familiar feeling of a stinging in my eyes. I closed them shut, trying my best to not let my tears fall as my body shook. I wasn't the horrible things they were calling me. I would never. . .

"SILENCE" Alex demanded. Everyone whimpered at the power radiating off him in waves. "What happened was an accident. Don't waste your breath on her. Everyone go back inside and go on with your business. NOW"  The pack quickly followed their Alpha's orders, stumbling into the house. I was beginning to follow when Alex stopped me "Jade." My body instantly relaxed at my mate's deep, powerful voice. It was amazing how I melt at just my name coming from him.

Alex came my way and stood next to me, "This better not happen again." He said. I slowly nodded and was able to answer a "yes Alpha." He grunted and walked away. I couldn't help myself but stare after the beautiful creature I call my mate. I walked into the house not long after and quickly went up to my room. I layed down on my bed with a sigh and replayed the scene that happened back in the kitchen and hugged a thin pillow to my chest.

That couldn't be me. It can't be. Even though my pack hasn't exactly been the best, I would never imagine hurting them. They're my family. Not by blood but still. I wouldn't ever hurt them willingly. . . . . right?

My chest fluttered and my face flushed at the memory of Alex. I couldn't help but let out a joyous giggle. Even though it didn't exactly look like it, Alex came to my aid when the pack started shouting such horrid names. He stopped them from continuing, knowing very well that it would have gone further than simple name callings. A beating was sure to happen. . . . but he prevented that.

A goofy smile took over me and I hugged the featherless material closer. Maybe things will get bettter between my mate and I.


Author's Note:
Hello my lovely readers, I decided that in celebration of this much needed weekend YOU get to decide who's POV you want next. I'm pretty sure you know how this process works but to those who don't, all you have to do is comment the name of the character you want the next chapter to be and by Friday who's ever name I see is more requested, will win!

Will it be Jade? Alex? Connor? Eric? Ashley? Zaiden? Layla? Mark (the beta)? Thomas (third in command)?   YOU DECIDE!

Starting. . . . . NOW! ^-^

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