Chapter 23

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Hey everyone! In celebration of me turning a new age, I made this chapter longer. Enjoy!


*Jade's POV*

I stood there, looking down the hallway where Alex had just disappeared to. I can't believe this transformation is actually working! I had my doubts but now I know that there is possibly a one percent chance this will turn out okay.

That one percent depends on whether I live. . . or die. My chest ached, wanting to chase after my mate but I knew he needed this time alone.

I began walking towards my next class when suddenly the boy from earlier popped in my head. I forgot to ask for his name then again, how did he know mine? When he asked me about lunch the first thing that I thought of was 'what will Connor think?'. I was so used to having him by my side that I know there's no way in heck he'll allow me to go somewhere with a stranger, even if it is just lunch. I agreed to go because this could actually be my first friend. This new transformation gave me a sense of confidence, even if it was just a tiny bit.

And I owe all of this to Connor.

Without him, I'd probably still be hiding behind the tallest person I could find in order to not be seen. Well, I still do that but now I'm walking side by side with my savior. That's what Connor is to me.

I reached my last lesson before lunch. As soon as I stepped in, all eyes were on me. The loud talking, laughing, and the screech of the desk chair abruptly stopped. If a pin were to drop right now, it'd sound like a crash. I could feel my face turning an extremely hot red. I gulped and quickly scurried to the back if the class, grateful that our teacher allows us to sit wherever we wished. The sound of the bell is what seemed to snap everyone out of there shock like state, and everything went back to normal. Or so I wished.

As I placed my backpack on the table, I jumped in surprise when I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked up and saw one guy whom I've lately seen around Ashley and her group of friends, looking down at me with a smirk on his face. "Sorry baby girl, my hand slipped" He shot me a wink and looked to the front of the class. My face couldn't have gotten anymore red.

I tried to calm down my breathing and after a few minutes or so, I was able to slow my heart beat back to normal. I smiled a little, knowing how I can have at least a little control of myself. All of the sudden, I felt hot breath on my ear, "What's your name sweetheart? I don't think I've seen you around here before?" the same guy from earlier whispered. I shivered at the unpleasant vibes I was receiving. He must have mistaken that shiver as one of pleasure because he placed his hand again on my thigh.

"Ple-ase s-stop" I managed to say. I was paralyzed but from the corner of my eye, I was able to make out his smirk. "You're cute." No matter how badly I wanted to take his filthy hands off my leg, it was as if my body had stopped responding to my pleas. My heart beat began racing again so to calm myself down, I began to hum a lullaby my mother always sang to me and Eric.

I closed my eyes tightly and began to silently hum to myself. The moment I did, I faintly heard the sound of a groan. I brushed it off and continued my lullaby but the longer I hummed, the groan soon turned into a whimper like sound. As if someone was being choked. I looked up and stopped humming immediately when I saw the stranger's eyes turn blood red. My heart stopped.

His hand was at his side, not moving at all. His eyes looking straight into mine, his filled with anger while mine were most likely clouded with fear. The bell finally rang and I sprung up from my seat, almost tripping over my own two feet. The rest of the students began collecting their belongings while I was already practically running out the door. Curiosity got the best of me. I looked back and saw the guy trying to get up from his seat, but struggling. His friend came up to him, asking him something before giving him a hand.

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