Chapter 24

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*Jade's POV*

I stared with my eyes wide at the figure coming towards me. A figure who had the brightest smile on his face. "Jadie! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you." He plopped down infront of me beside Wesley who stopped eating to glance at my brother

He sat Indian style with his hands resting on his knees, "So where you've been sis?" He asked with such enthusiasm just like he had when we were kids. Too surprised to speak, I blinked a couple times and pinched myself. If this was a dream, there's no way in hell I'll want to wake up.

Wanting to clarify that he has regained his full memory, I ask him something that only both of us know. "Eric. . . do you remember the lullaby mom used to sing-" I paused a millisecond at the mention of my parents. "-when we couldn't sleep?" I waited patiently for his answer as my heart beat rapidly in my chest

Eric smiled and had a sparkle in his eye "Yea, and dad would always sneak us a cookie when mom wasn't in the room.

Hush now my Storeen

Close your eyes and sleep

Waltzing the waves, diving the deep

Stars are shining bright

The wind is on the rise

Whispering words of long lost lullabies"

Eric sang. He too had the gift of singing. While he had a gift, I had a beautiful curse. My eyes began to sting as I tried holding back my tears. Not being able to hold myself, I continued the song

"Oh won't you come with me?

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun, we'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me?

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea"

I saw from the corner of my eye Alex look at me with what looked like awe just like Connor. Soon enough, Eric sang with me

"I had a dream last night, and heard the sweetest sound

I saw a great white light

And dancers in the round

Castles in the sand

Cradles in the trees

Don't cry, I'll see you by and by

Oh won't you come with me?

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun, we'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me?

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea

Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling"

Just as we sang the last word, I jumped into the arms of my brother. By now I couldn't hold back the tears. "I missed you so much Ric" I kept repeating as I sobbed into his shoulder. Eric wrapped his arms around me tightly as I had mine around his neck.

This was no dream. I finally had my brother back.

*Eric's POV*

I hugged my sister's small, delicate body tighter to me. I didn't know why she was crying but I knew she needed me so I didn't ask. Just held her in my arms.

Jade sobbed into my shoulder hysterically and it made my heart ache. I hated seeing her sad. I looked at the three guys who stared at Jade and I. I squinted my eyes at all of them, not knowing who they really are as my protective big brother instincts kicked in. Two of them looked at Jade with a look only mates give one another but the two of them couldn't be her mates right? I looked at the third guy who held empty plates on a tray. Could he be her mate?

Light sniffles made me forget about the guys and I faced Jade. Her pink nose and puffy eyes who were filled with happiness as she stared up at me "Jade, what's wrong?" I asked softly. She smiled and wiped her tear streaked face "Nothing, nothing I just missed you is all" I chuckled "I never left Jadie" that seemed to strike something in her because her eyes got watery again. She quickly wiped them before they cascaded down her cheeks "Yeah you're right, sorry Ric." I smiled.

She got up and dusted off the black jeans she was wearing. I got up too just as the lunch bell rang. I bent down and picked up Jade's backpack and slung it over my shoulder. The three males got up too "I'm taking her to class." I said looking directly at all of them. The one with blue eyes looked content and calm while mr. silver eyes looked as if he wanted to argue back. I raised an eyebrow at him. I knew he was Alpha because of the power radiating off of him like waves but Alpha or not, nobody gets between me and my sister. The third guy was the only one who broke the silence. He went over to Jade and gave her a hug which made silver eyes growl.

"Thanks for lunch Jade, same time tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. Jade looked up at him and gave him a friendly smile "Of course Wesley". So that's his name.

Wesley smiled and gave her another hug that lasted longer than the first before walking away. One of the guys stepped forward and held out a hand to me "Hi, I'm Connor Davis. A close friend of Jade's" I gripped his hand and shook it politely. Okay he's not her mate. If he was, he would've introduced himself as her mate. The look on Jade's face though, made me second guess.

The Alpha shoved Connor out of the way with his shoulder and stood infront of me. I rised an eyebrow at the gesture but didn't question it. The guy outstretched his hand to me as well, "Alex Knight. Alpha of the Filtiarn Pack." So I was right.

I shook his hand and bowed in respect to his title. But what was he to Jade? I know I couldn't question an Alpha so I'll ask Jade later. "Come on Jade let's go" I smile down at her as she seemed to snap out of a trance "O-okay" I turned and headed towards the double doors and into the hallway which was almost empty.

Now thinking about mates, my mind immediately thought of Zaiden. I smiled at the memory of us kissing and I felt my wolf stir.

I stopped infront of a classroom that Jade said was hers. I gave her her backpack and left after she safely went inside. Where was my next class again? I took out the paper from my back pocket and scanned it over once again.

After realizing what I had next, I groaned out loud. I hate math.


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