Chapter 9

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Being locked up for eight years really made me miss the outside world.

Connor and I have been spending a lot of time together this whole day. I know this may sound too forward but being in his presence makes me feel safe which is something I haven't felt in a really long time.

Connor's house was the definition of gigantic. He told me he lives alone which confused me a bit because of the female voice earlier today. I didn't want to be pushy so I didn't question it. He showed me a bunch of new shows on a huge television that people call a "flat screen".

He also had a large game room with things like a pool table, an indoor bolling alley, and also a video game device called an "Xbox". Technology has really grown during the years!

It was really hard for me to not look surprised because then he would question me and I didn't want to ruin the moment.

Right now we had just finished watching the movie 'Horton Hears A Who' and I absolutely loved it. I chose it out of a movie store that Connor had taken me because my mom would read me Dr. Suess sometimes and when I saw that they made a movie I had to see it!

I smiled in content. Today was amazing. "Jade I think we should get you home now. It's almost nine" my eyes went wide. I can't believe I missed dinner! Oh gosh they're going to kill me

"Y-yea let's go" I quickly got up from the very comfy couch and started walking towards the door but stopped when Connor spoke

"You could spend the night if you want Jade" he asked a little hopeful but it was probably my imagination. He'd let me spend the night? I slowly turned to him "Really?" even to my own ears, I sounded relieved. He nodded and threw his car keys back on the coffee table that was in the middle of the living room. "But what about school? I need to get dressed and everything" I asked, and Connor just shrugged "I can take you there in the morning."

I thought it over. There is a possibility that I will die when I get back to the pack house. I sighed, I'll most likely die tomorrow morning so I'll just spend the time I have here with Connor.

I gave in and smiled "Ok"


"Jade" I heard someone whisper "Jade" they said a little louder and I felt a slight shake. I groaned and pulled the warm and extremely soft covers over my head.

"Jade if you want to get ready for school you better wake up now." my eyes immediately opened wide and I scrambled out of bed.

"What time is it?" I asked after successfully untangling myself from the bed sheets. Connor looked at his watch "It's almost six, we better get going" I quickly nodded and put my worn out converse on. That's when I noticed that Connor was already dressed, he was wearing all black today with his leather jacket, pain t shirt and jeans. I swooned for a second but followed him down the spiral stairs and into his fancy car.

As he drove, I couldn't help but notice that Connor lived quite far from me. "Oh you can stop right here" I said and pointed to a random light blue coloured house. I didn't want him to see that I live in a pack house or a mansion, as people call it.

He pulled over to the side walk "Thank you for everything Connor, I'll see you at school" he nodded and I smiled at him before opening the door. I had to make it look like I actually lived at this random house so I walked up the pavement slowly, hoping that the people living in here were still asleep. I turned around and waved as Connor sped off towards the direction of the school.

I made sure he was out of sight before I ran as fast as I could to the pack house which was two blocks away. I silently prayed that the back door was left unlocked and to my surprise, it was. I smiled and quietly stepped in, making my way into the kitchen.

Everyone will be coming in about an hour down for breakfast so I decided to just make pancakes with orange juice. It was all I can do in the time that I had.

I was taking out the ingredients when I smelt the familiar forestie, chocolate scent. I froze when slow footsteps were approaching when they stopped right behind me. Alex sniffed and let out a deep, vicious growl before forcefully turning me around

"Where have you been Jade?" Alex said calmly though his eyes showed nothing but rage

I stuttered "U-um I wa-s with a fr-riend Alpha Alex" I bowed "Ple-ase forgive me fo-or not bei-ng here to make dinner" I couldn't control the absolute fear that was rolling off me in waves. I heard nothing when suddenly Alex grabbed me by my hair and forced me to look into his eyes. I whimpered at the pain "You spread your legs for another guy didn't you?" Oh no he smelled Connor.

"N-no Alpha I-I swear" I said truthfully. Me and Connor did nothing of the sort. His grip only tightened "You pathetic whore" he turned around and dragged me by my hair into the underground dungeon we had only for rouges who were caught trespassing.

Alex pushed me into one of the cells and locked it behind him as he came in. I fell to the ground "Jade do you know what happens to people like you?" I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say to that? My head snapped to the side as I felt a very powerful sting on my cheek "ANSWER ME!" I whimpered "N-no Alpha I do-n't know"

I heard what sounded like metal clinking. I looked up and fear consumed me as Alex held a silver knife in his hand, inspecting it. I pushed myself as far as I could go into the corner of the cell, wishing that the ground would swallow me whole.

"Jade you need to be taught a lesson." Before I could even blink, Alex had me on my back on the ground with him on top. "Pl-ease don't ki-ll me" I whispered, looking into his deep grey eyes hoping he would come to his senses.

My heart fluttered when I his eyes turned soft but the next second it was replaced by hate. I screamed in agony when Alex suddenly slashed my right eye with the silver knife. I went to cover myself but another one was delivered to my arm.

I sobbed harder and harder, pleading Alex to stop. In a matter of seconds I laid limp under him, not moving and barely breathing. "That'll do for now" My vision became blurry and all I could see was his retreating figure and the sound of the cell door open and slam shut.

My Mate Is Killing Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now