Chapter 16

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Author's Note:
Hey guys, thank you so much for the comments I've been receiving from you. A creature dear to me has passed away very recently, so my mind hasn't been stable but every vote, comment, etc. is really a huge motivation. Knowing that some enjoy it so far, means the world. I have contemplated on stopping the story, but I couldn't do that to you guys. Please, continue reading the recent updates to come soon and I hope you enjoy!


*Alex's POV*

It's been two days. Two damn days since Jade's been gone and my wolf is going insane. I'm just about to lose control because of him. 'Worrying is useless Cane' He growled and my head ached.

"Alpha, five dead bodies were found in the south area." Mark said. I looked up from my desk and stood up "Gather my third in command and tell him to meet me out back. Now." I ordered "Yes Alpha" Mark bowed and practically ran out my office. I sighed and walked out, heading towards the back door and into the forest

A second later, my third in command, Thomas, walked out and stood in front of me, waiting for my order. He already knows about the vampires in our territory, so he's the only one I can take in the moment. I transformed into my black, almost purple colored wolf and began running towards the direction of the bodies, with Thomas right behind me 'Alpha, is there a reason why we're going this direction?' Thomas mind-linked me.

He's had an encounter with a vampire that almost took the life of his used to be pregnant mate, Anna. What still haunts him is the fact that it got away, harmed of course. It was either the life of his mate, or revenge. A couple days later, Anna had a miscarriage because of the attack.

'Vampires' was all I had to say. I heard a growl from behind me and he picked up speed, almost matching my pace.

We arrived at the scene and the stench of vampire grew stronger. I walked around the five bodies that were drenched with blood. I bent down near one of them and their faces were no where near recognition. What thing did this? I doubt it was hunters. Was it a vampire?

It was then, that I caught a faint scent of strawberries and roses. 'Mate was close. She's near.' Cane said, sounding more alive than he has from the past two days. 'Focus on what's important Cane, don't waste your energy on something useless' I growled. He sneered, but I ignored him.

"Alpha, do you feel that?" Thomas said, back in his human form. I transformed as well and threw on a pair of shorts I had tied around my ankle. I stayed still and focused on my surroundings when I noticed the atmosphere's changed. What the heck?

I've never felt this before and what's strange is we couldn't feel this as we were running here. Only in this certain area. 'Look for Jade' Cane ordered. I rolled my eyes and began walking towards the faint smell. "Alpha where are you going?" Thomas asked but I ignored him and kept walking.

After a couple minutes of walking, Jade's scent led past the border. Untouched territory. Curiosity got the best of me so as soon as I crossed, the stench of vampire grew stronger. "Alpha were are you headed?" Thomas asked while still behind the border. No sudden movement was heard so I kept walking and soon enough, Thomas followed.

I inhaled and noticed the smell of a vampire coming our way. I growled and so did Thomas. Soon enough a body slammed right into me, making me take a couple steps back. "Alex!" I held back the urge to flinch "I missed you so much! Where have you been? I went to your room yet you weren't there! I got so wor-" I cut her off "Layla I'm fine" I said through gritted teeth and took her hands off my waist.

"I just wanted to say I love you so much Alex and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" It took me a couple seconds to process what she said. "What?" i said, voicing my thoughts. "Well yea I mean you love me and I love you so why not?" Layla said as she held my hands. I ripped them out of her grip and turned back, heading towards my border. "So I was thinking this Saturday" Layla said as she matched my pace, with Thomas following awkwardly behind

"No." I said "Oh ok then this Sunday. Your whole family will be there! I already have my dress so all we ne-" I cut her off again and turned to face her "Listen to me closely. I am not going to marry you on Saturday, Sunday, or any other day. Got it?" I growled and turned back to walking, "Thomas, make sure the damn guards know what they're doing. I don't want anymore leeches in my house." I said after we were away from Layla. "Yes Alpha." He bowed and took off towards the direction of the guards. 'Her scent is gone' I told Cane as he paced back and forth. 'She knew we were coming. That's why she showed up.' Layla did show up out of nowhere. Now that I think about it, why was Jade's scent mixed with vampire? 'Someone has her' Cane sneered. I sighed and transformed into my wolf form. 'She'll be back. Stop worrying already' Jade is causing my wolf to freak and it's driving me insane. When I find the bitch, I'll show her exactly why people fear me.

*Connor's POV*

"Is there anything else you'd like?" I ask Jade, placing the bags on the bed of my room. She looked as if she was going to pass out any second longer but stopped and turned to me. "Connor I promise I'll pay you back for everything alright? It may take a while but if y-" I interrupted her "Jade it's fine. Buying you new things was... interesting." For the past five hours, we were at the mall picking out things for her 'mission impossible' as she calls it.

I learned things about Jade that probably she doesn't even realize. When I first took her into the mall, it was like a kid in Disneyland..well except for the excitement part. She stuck close to me the entire time, not that I was complaining, and jumped every once in a while whenever someone bumped into her.


"Whoa" Jade said in astonishment as we stood outside, looking at the building. I sighed,"Well, let's go." I walked along side her as we entered the glass doors. As soon as we stepped in, Jade was swarmed by people pushing and shoving. I gently placed her infront of me so that nobody would touch her because no one  dared bump into me.

As some passed by, they stared at Jade. Most likely at her eyes. She smiled and looked around, trying her best to ignore the stares of fear and pity while I as well ignored the females shooting daggers of hatred and jealousy at the girl in my arms. Couples passed by, most of guy's dates observing me with want and lust. I was used to this, but have they no shame?

"Look over there" Jade suddenly pointed at a store with a large poster, saying 'EVERYTHING HALF OFF!!' . Through the windows, you could see that there was barely any people there. Jade began walking in that direction with me behind her. "Wow" she whispered to herself as she took in the sight of all the clothes.

I chuckled as she went in the direction of the plain clothing. The closer I looked, I noticed they had no design on the t-shirts. Just plain color. Not wanting to interrupt her scavenger hunt, I walked around the store, looking at nonsense but still keeping an eye on Jade.

"Connor!" I quickly turned, thinking Jade was in trouble when I saw her holding up a shirt and admiring it as if it were gold. "Isn't this nice?" I glanced at the clothing she held up high and faught back a smile "Jade, this has a hole in it." I pointed at the side of the red shirt. No wonder everything was half off. She looked at me, still smiling, "I know, isn't that in style?" I smiled and shook my head "Not really" she pouted and I clenched my fist trying to stop the urge to reach out and caress her beautiful face.

"But you could use it as a 'stay at home' shirt. Like you said, it does look nice." i said, trying to bring that smile back on her face and thankfully, it worked.

*End of Flashback*

That is how the trip went. Me getting anything that made her smile. She insisted many times to allow her to buy, but I knew she could need it for a later emergency if anything were to happen. Hopefully, nothing will.

"Thank you Connor...for everything" Jade looked at the bags and suddenly wrapped her arms around my waist with her head reaching my chest because of her height. Immediately, warmth took over my pale skin. All I wanted to do was keep her there in my arms for eternity, but I knew I couldn't no matter how bad my chest ached.

Jade pulled away and looked at me, her brown eye filled with curiosity. "Can you tell me now?"
I knew this was coming sooner or later, but I hoped it was later.

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