Chapter 13

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I was running through a forest, as fast as my body let me, with the feeling of panic and fear.

Why was I running?

In the distance, I heard what sounded like screams. I ran faster. In seconds I reached what I was trying to find and gasped at the sight infront of me.

Alex was hovering above my blood covered body. He didn't see me as I ran towards myself even though my legs ached. Tears ran down my face as I looked at my appearance. A dirty face, bruised body, and covered with fresh blood.

My blood.

My heart beat was very faint and I was bearly breathing. "Hey, come one don't go. You can do it we've always pulled through right? For us Jade" I said to my other self as I moved the strands of hair I had on my dirty face.

She opened her eyes slightly and gave a pained smile. My heart ached at the broken, hurt, and emptiness I saw in her only brown eye. Alex suddenly grabbed a fist full of her hair, making her whimper. I didn't notice the silver knife he had in one hand until he held it to her neck.

"I never wanted you Jade. You mean nothing to me" he said with such hatred. He took the knife away from her neck and was about to peirce it through her body when I jumped in infront of her.

It was as if I was just air because the knife went straight through me and into her stomach. Blood began to come out as he pulled the knife out of her body and threw her to the ground. She layed limp on the ground as heavy tears ran down her face.

A heard a faint voice in my head, "I should have left when I had the chance". Her heart beat stopped a second later and she now was left on the forest dirt.

I sobbed and fell to the ground next to my lifeless, pale, bruised body. I touched her cold cheek and gently closed her eyes that were slightly open. I suddenly came to a realization of something.

"You were never weak Jade." I whispered to her "You had just convinced yourself that but you were never weak. You're strong and always will be"

"We're strong. . ." I whispered to myself. I got up and with one last pained look at myself, I slowly turned to Alex as he began walking the other direction without looking back.

Anger and hate was the only thing I felt as I suddenly transformed into my wolf. I let out a vicious growl and ran towards Alex who stopped walking and turned around the exactly moment my sharp claws made contact with his throat.

I gasped and shot up from the bed. I was drenched in sweat and my breathing was heavy. Then at that moment, Connor's words popped into my head.


"Jade. . . you're dying" Connor said with a broken look in his dark, almost purple, blue eyes. What the heck was he talking about?

"What are you talking about?"

"You know those pains you get all of a sudden?" I nodded but what did that have to do with anything? "With every attack, you get weaker and weaker. . . . weak enough to lose your life"

Ever word he spoke just rose my confusion.

"And there is one thing that needs to be done, in order for you to survive Jade" I stayed quiet. He clenched his fists and I noticed a slight flash of red in his eyes, "You need your mate to accept you"

My heart ached at those words but I gave a pained smile,

"Well it looks like I have little time left, don't I?" I said.

My Mate Is Killing Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now