Chapter 6

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*Jade's POV*

I woke up the next morning, did my daily routines, and went down to make breakfast. After cooking I stood in the corner once again.

Ever since I shut out Mell, I've felt so alone. Much more than usual. I miss her so much but she needed this, Mell needs to heal. I shook my head. Now's not the time to be grieving Jade. You can do that when you're alone. The pack walked in and sat down to eat.

After an hour, everyone left giving me a couple painful pinches here and there. I gathered their mess and got my back pack going to school. I got to school late today for the second time. Hopefully this isn't going to become a regular thing. I don't like being late.

I smelt chocolate, my mate's scent. I turned my head and saw Layla with a bright smile on her face. "Omg Jade you will NEVER guess what just happened!" I held back the urge to growl. Yeah I know, you fucked my mate.

"You know that hot guy Alex right? We totally just made out today and omg his lips are so soft. His body is just to die for, I think he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend! Isn't that awesome!"

I wanted to laugh in her face at how delusional Layla was. Doesn't she know that he isn't the relationship type?

I would know.

"Layla I'm pretty sure you've heard girls say the same thing about him. What makes you any different?" I really didn't mean to sound like a bitch but it's true. If a mate can't change their other half, what makes a human do it?

"Jade do you have anything you have to share with the class?" dang it. "Um no Mrs. Stone, sorry" I mumbled. "Good. Then I suggest you keep quiet back there." I nodded. Layla still had a goofy smile on her face. I sighed.

Good luck with that.

I walked out of Math and went into Science. Unlike my last class, our teacher makes us sit in alphabetical order meaning my seat is near the front because of my last name.

"Pay attention my pupils! Today we are having a new student joining us for the rest of the year." What's with all the new students? The door opened and in walked what has to be the second most attractive guy I've laid eyes on. He had black hair with dark blue eyes, almost looking purple. He was really tall, probably about 6'3 or something. He had a black leather jacket on that showed off his muscles, a grey shirt that made this eyes pop, and plain jeans. He stood infront of the class with a serious face yet it wasn't scary? I don't know but he was abnormally handsome.

"This, ladies and gentlemen, is Connor Davis. Would you like to introduce yourself Mr. Davis?"
My teacher smiled. He always tried his best to make every student comfortable here.

Connor scanned the entire class. Some girls pushing out their chest while I stayed put. His eyes lingered on me for a couple seconds longer and my face heated up. He turned back to looking forward and said "I like brunettes and brown eyes." Some brunettes in the class squealed in excitement. "Natural brunettes" He put a little more force in 'natural' and I giggled a little when those girls pouted.

"Okay Mr. Davis this is school not a dating site. Please take a seat in the back. Oh and Jade, you wouldn't mind showing him around would you?" I know I couldn't get out of this. "Sure" I mumbled. "Great! Now does anyone know how covalent bonds are formed?"


I waited for Connor outside the class. He came out and stopped infront of me. I had to look up because of how tall he was. "Um can I see your schedule please?" I'm surprised I didn't stutter.

Without saying anything he took it out from his pocket and gave it to me. I looked it over and saw that we only had Science and History together.

Why did I feel disappointed?

I brushed it off "Um we have the next class together" I said. "Follow me please" He didn't move. "Connor?" I asked. He nodded and followed me to History.

When I turned to walk, I saw Ashley with her group of friends. I lowered my head trying to hide but I don't really have the best luck in the world.

I heard the sound of heals coming my way. When Ashley got close enough she pushed me aside and I fell down. Her friends laughed and one purposely stepped on my hand, putting extra force down with her heals. I whimpered "I'm Ashley, what might your name be handsome?" she purred and fluttered her lashes while biting her lip. Connor said nothing.

The girl stepped off my hand and I cradled it as I got up. It was bleeding and it didn't close right. Since I shut out Mell, I was practically almost human. With out her, I don't heal like I used to. I picked up my back pack with my other hand, hiding my injured one behind my back.

Connor looked down at Ashley. Even though she was taller than me, she still had to look up at him. I was shocked when I saw Ashley slowly stepping back. What was going on? Her eyes looked black. I looked at Connor and he was looking straight at her. Never blinking.

Ashley turned and walked away, her friends following. What the heck?? Connor gently took my injured hand and we went into the girl's restroom.

"Um Connor this is the ladies restroom" he didn't say anything, just took my hand and cleaned it.

At lunch

I went outside to my tree and sat down. As usual I took out my book and began to read. I was so into it that I didn't hear someone sit next to me. "Hey" I jumped a little when I heard a deep voice coming from next to me.

I turned my head and saw Connor. "Hi" really Jade? That's all you can come up with? My mind raced to figure out what to say next

"So uh you're not hungry?" I asked playing with my thumbs. I thought he wasn't going to answer that stupid question when I heard his voice again "I don't eat food" oh. He must not like lunch food. I haven't tasted the lunch food because of the rule that Alex gave me but from what Connor told me, it must be bad. I nodded anyways.

The rest of lunch went by pretty calm. Me reading my book and Connor never leaving my side even for just a second.

I went to my next class and the next, with Connor at my side until finally school was over.

The strange thing was that I didn't see Alex all day today which confused me because Layla said he was here this morning. Oh well, probably it was just me who wasn't looking.

Tell me what you guys think^.^

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