Chapter 7

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*Alex's POV*

"Alpha we received a message from the Elders. Vampires have gone into our territory" I growled. Those damn leeches. What the fuck are they doing on my land?

"Have you located where exactly they are?" I asked my Beta, Mark. "Not yet Alpha." I sighed "Get to it and quickly Mark." I said using my Alpha voice.

I don't need any blood on my hands and as Alpha, I have to protect my pack which is what I'll do

I've been in my office all day trying to locate where those fuckers have gone. I know for sure where one is. Layla is a vampire herself yet she hides it very well. No one suspects her of being anything more than a human, damn blood sucker.

'Must protect mate, Alex' Cane sneered. Can he just give up on that whole mate crap? I could care less what happens to Jade. Heck I'd sacrifice her to save my pack.

'You don't mean that' Cane was really getting on my nerves. 'I meant what I said Cane. Think what you want.' He just gave a wolf like smirk then he went back to pacing.

Layla is a vampire. All I have to do is make her tell me everything. I already have her wrapped around my finger so it'll be a piece of cake. I had one of my pack members follow her around after school one day and it's pretty funny how her "innocent" act fools people.

With her good looks and "pure" appearance, she seduces men and lures them into an area where no one is around. After she's had her pleasure, that's when she attacks and sucks them dry until they're completely drained. I admit I was surprised at first but quickly got over it. I think that leech is half succubus or something. She's dangerous for all unmated wolves in my pack.

Mark suddenly barges into my office "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" He had a panicked look on his face "Alpha, they've gotten as far into your territory that some are around the school." I sneered, "Make sure nobody finds out about this or all hell will break loose, understood?" he bowed "Yes Alpha"

I sat down in my chair and rubbed my temples knowing I'll have a headache later today. I need a release, and I know exactly who'll be perfect

*Jade's POV*

"You know Connor, you don't have to be with me all the time, right?" I reminded him. He's been with me ever since the incident with Ashley, I mean I'm not complaining. I actually kind of like his presence but I feel like I'm holding him back.

He didn't say anything at first, probably thinking over what I said. "Is it so bad that I want to be near you?" he asked with a straight face though his eyes showed curiosity.

I blushed, no one's ever told me that before. . "Um I guess not?" I lowered my head and couldn't help but smile. Connor really is something. That smile soon faded when that sting happened again.

Can't I just get a break!?

My knees felt wobbly and I was about to fall when Connor caught me before I hit the ground. I had my eyes shut, holding my stomach trying to make the pain stop but the more I moved the more pain it caused.

I bit my tongue and felt the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, trying to stop myself from screaming. I felt myself being picked up bridle style and the sudden woosh of air hit my face as if I was on a rollercoaster. Why was I moving so fast?

I began to shake as the pain increased. Not being able to hold back any longer, blood dripped down the corners of my mouth as I let out an ear piercing scream. Gosh please let this be over.

"P-please m-mak-e it sto-op Connor ple-ase!" I sobbed begging for the heat that was burning me, to stop

I was placed on something soft and I faintly heard Connor chant something in a language I've never heard but at that moment I didn't care. I just wanted the pain to stop and very slowly, it did.

This would have hurt less if Mell was with me. I'm half human so it was one thousand times worse. . "Jade? Are you alright?" I opened my eyes and slightly nodded, feeling a little numb.

"Rest Jade" Connor said but I shook my head, "I n-need to g-et home" He stayed silent "I'll protect you." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into darkness again.

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter everyone, I just got my schedule for school and I didn't have time to write a full chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. Tell me what you think!

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