Chapter 25

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Hi everyone! Just a notice that any and all homophobic comments will be deleted and blocked. So please, if you're homophobic, don't read this chapter.



*Eric's POV*

I walked into class with a heavy sigh. I hated this subject with a passion, who even invented the damn torturous thing? If there were to be a life or death situation when it came to math, let's just say I wouldn't exactly live.

As soon as I stepped into class, the most delicious scent completely took over me. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I followed it and stopped right infront of Zaiden. My gloomy mood was now replaced with excitement as I sat next to the empty seat beside him in the back of class.

"Hey Z" I said as casual as I could without sounding too excited. I haven't seen or spoken to him today after the little scene we had this morning so it was pretty obvious that he was avoiding eye contact with the deep blush on his face.

"Well you sound unusually cheerful for someone who hates calculus" He muttered, not taking his eyes off the book he was reading. Before I could say anything else, someone plopped themselves on the other side of Zaiden, "Hey babe." I looked up in time to see a guy peck Zaiden on the lips.

What the fuck?

My wolf felt bothered and so did I. "Who's this." I demanded, not taking my eyes off the being who was now currently holding Zaiden's hand. Zaiden sighed and closed his book, not before putting a rainbow colored bookmark in between the last page he was on. "He's been my boyfriend for almost a month, Eric. I told you like three times already." He rubbed his temples, looking a little frustrated. I nodded as if understanding when I only felt the urge to punch the smirk off the guy's stupid face.

Why am I being so violent all of a sudden?

A movement in the front of the room caught my attention. I turned around so I was facing the front to see who it was. I internally groaned in annoyance at the blonde who was raising up her skirt while biting her lip. This has been the fifth time it's happened but it was always with different girls in each class.

From the corner of my eye I saw Zaiden sending death glares at the girl. Not wanting to be rude, I smiled at her but didn't look at her body because in all honesty, I wasn't interested at all. Yes I admit she was beautiful but she just didn't give me the explosion of want whenever I even glanced at Zaiden.

My smile seemed to strike something in her because she gasped and her faced flushed. She quickly turned in her seat to face the front, leaving her skirt up. What just happened?


After a painful hour of listening to the monotoned teacher and the playful giggles of Zaiden with his boyfriend, I was beat. It was almost time for this day to end and all I needed was one more class to go. . thank goddess. .

I took out my schedule and read 'Calculus 2'. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Why the hell do I have two math classes!? "Why do you look so surprised?" Zaiden asked after shooing his boyfriend away. "Z w-why do I have t-two of these?" I asked with trembling hands pointing at my schedule. He chuckled and just that sound almost made my confusion disappear.

Key word; almost.

"You said you wanted to get into a good college, and the only way for that to happen around here is if you take more than the required classes. So you signed up for Calculus 1 and 2."

What. The. Actual. Fuck

"There's no way in hell I'm going. I've had too many numbers and formulas forced into my brain for one day" I said. Zaiden shook his head with a smile, "You're lucky you have a photographic memory." The halls were now beginning to empty as the late bell rang. With my wolf hearing I heard footsteps stomp down the hallway. "Oh crap it's the damn hall moniter!" Zaiden whisper yelled. There was no way in fuck that I was going to class so instead, I took Zaiden's arm and jumped into the first closet door I could find.

"Dude! What th-" He started but I pressed his back to my chest and quickly covered his mouth with my hand. "Do you want to get in trouble?" I whispered. He finally understood the situation we were in so he stopped struggling and stayed still. The silhouette of a girl passed by with her head held up high, looking around the halls. When her shadow was gone, I released Zaiden from the hold I had on him. The room was pretty big but looked extremely small because of all the cleaning supplies. Either way, Zaiden and myself could only get as far as two feet away.

Now looking at him, he had a shy look on his face. Was it because of what happened this morning? Guilt suddenly took over. Was I the cause of his uncomfortable expression?

"Listen Z I'm sorry about what happened this morning. . . I didn't know what came over me and my wolf." I said, looking down at him. Even though he was only a head shorter, he still looked up at me with wide eyes. "Oh, um it's okay." I held out my hand as if to call it a truce. Zaiden took it and once our eyes locked, I couldn't look away.

It's frustrating yet amazing how this boy makes me feel. But why is that exactly? Zaiden suddenly had a look of lust in his beautiful green eyes. Before I could even process what was happening, Zaiden closed the distance between us and crashed his lips to mine. Shocked, I didn't kiss back. He must have taken that the wrong way because he started pulling away but I wasn't letting that happen.

I put my hand behind his neck and brought his lips back to mine. We both moaned at the sensation and began moving our lips in unison. Mine dominant and his playfull. I bit his lip to allow me entrance but he preferred to tease me. I growled into his mouth, pressed him up against the wall and gripped his hair tight. He moaned in pleasure and I used that as my chance to kiss him deeper with tongue.

I felt his hands slip under my shirt and I shivered at his touch. Soon enough, the shirt was over my head and thrown somewhere behind me. Zaiden wrapped his arms around my neck and wanting to get closer, I picked him up and pressed his body against mine with his legs around my waist.

I was starting to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen so I pulled away and began kissing and biting Zaiden's neck with his breathing heavy like mine. He let out a whimper when I reached his sweet spot. I smirked and began sucking that certain place, his moans almost driving me insane. "Eric. . . more" Zaiden pleaded, breathlessly when I placed my lips on his again. I groaned at just those two words and at the extreme tightness I felt in my pants.

I could have taken them off along with my boxers, and taken him right here but I decided to tease him just like he did to me.

I began lightly moving my hips in a thrust motion. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes while rubbing my erection against his through our clothes. I rested my forehead on his as I began thrusting a little faster. Zaiden bit his lip and moaned the faster I went "More. . . More Eric please" He whimpered. I knew he wanted me because hell, I wanted him probably even more but if I was going to have sex with him, I didnt want our first time to be in a closet at school.

He was too precious to me. So instead I settled with this. . . for now.

He ran his hands up and down my well toned chest. I kissed him once again to silence his moans the louder they got with every one of my thrusts getting more frantic. I groaned as my name rolled off his tongue "Eric!"

He pulled away and threw his head back, letting out a very loud moan which thankfully was drowned out by the ring of the bell. I stopped my thrusts and layed my head on his shoulder, both of us breathless as we came.
"Now I know. . . why the. . girls are always. . . after you" Zaiden said breathlessly as he caressed my cheek with a look in his eyes I couldn't quite figure out. "None of them can compare to you" He blushed a deep red and nuzzled his face in my neck. I chuckled and gently lowered him back onto his feet. I reached for my shirt which had somehow gotten on the top shelf of the cleaning supplies, put it on, and ran my fingers through my messy hair. I saw Zaiden do the same with his and smirked at the mark on his neck.

Before I opened the door, I gently pressed my lips against his swollen ones. "You might want to cover that little spot there" I said and smirked because that was no where near little. Zaiden looked confused and took out his phone and use the camera to see what I meant. His eyes went wide just as I opened the door and walked down the hall, heading towards the exit of the school.

"ERIC!!!" Zaiden screamed from the inside of school. I laughed and got into my car, already pulling out of the school's drive way. I'll see him at home.

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