Chapter 21

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*Eric's POV*

"Hey, wake up" I heard someone say. Were they talking to me? If they were, I ignored and stirred a little to get comfortable. They spoke again, this time louder. "Mom please just. . . just wake me up when it's lunch time at school. I'll go then." I mumbled, half asleep. Someone chuckled and shoved me with their foot. I grunted and woke up, about to go ape shit on whoever had awaken me. "Who dares disturb my slumber." I growl at the attractive stranger standing infront of me. He rolled his eyes but played along "Oh your mighty one, it is I, Zaiden, the humble wolf." I cracked a smile at his response. Zaiden. It fit him well

But who was this breathtaking creature?

"Cool name. Who are you?" I asked. Haven't you've ever felt like you have the answer at the tip of your tongue but can't seem to find it? Yea, that's me right now. This Zaiden guy looked at me confused but then laughed, "The cold last night must have gone to your head. Zaiden. Bestfriend. Ring any bell?"

Bestfriend? If I'm his supposedly "best friend", why do I feel a sense of devotion towards him? Before I could respond, he spoke again.

"Sure you do. Now, haul your ass upstairs and shower, you stink like wet dog." I smelled my shirt and sure enough, I stunk. "Oh and it better be done in ten minutes or else I'm getting the hose." My eyes went wide "You wouldn't." He took out his hand which was behind him and sure enough, in his hand was the yard hose. "Oh I would" Zaiden said with a cute smirk, yes I said it. Cute but deadly.

I quickly nodded and bolted in the humongous house. Crap, where is the bathroom here? "I don't hear the water running!" Zaiden yelled from outside. Damn him and his wolf hearing. Opening a random door, thank the heavens, ended up being the bathroom and let me just tell you it is huge!

Wherever I am, it's sure as hell fancy. I looked towards the tub and began taking off my clothes. "Crap," I cursed, rubbing my neck which ached when I turned it a certain angle. My head felt as if it was attcked by a swarm of gorillas. And why the hell was I sleeping outside in the first place?

After taking a well needed shower, I walked out of the room with only a towel wrapped around my waist. "Fina-" I heard the Zaiden guy speak and turned just in time to see him gulp. "You alright dude?" I asked. His face looked beat red. I tilt my head to the side a little in confusion, was he blushing?

I smirked as he stuttered an excuse "I'll get changed and we'll be on our way. Thanks for waking me up Z." I flashed him a smile and chuckled when he simply nodded, at a loss for words.

I followed my scent which led me up three flights of stairs and finally to a room. I opened the door and it didn't take a genius to figure that it's mine. I think.

Most of the population of the room was black. On one side of the wall, was a poster of Bruce Lee that read "Life itself is your teacher, and you are in a state of constant learning."

Yes. This is definitely my room.

After admiring the wall, I turned to my cabinets, opened one and took out my necessities. I walked out of my room wearing a grey v neck shirt which I rolled up to my elbows and casual jeans.

"Do we have to go to school?" I asked Zaiden. I turned around when I didn't hear a reply back, "Hey yo-" Zaiden was staring at me with his mouth open and eyes wide.

My wolf suddenly took over and pressed him against the wall, strangely enough, I didn't fight back.

Zaiden's cheeks turned a bright red as I leaned closer to him so my lips bearly brushed against his, "is something wrong Z?" I said in a husky tone, making him shiver. "N-no" he said breathlessly, not taking his eyes off my lips. He licked his and I faught against my wolf who suddenly wanted to pounce on him.

He put his hands on my chest but made no move to push. I smiled and pinned his arms to the wall, not hard enough to hurt him but enough to keep him in place. "You know, we could skip school. . . and stay right here" I said planting very light kisses up his neck.

Why was I enjoying this?

I pulled back and when he noticed the lust that I'm pretty sure was shown in my eyes, he bit his lip and looked up at me through his lashes. That did it.

I gripped his chin, lifted his head, and planted my lips lightly against his. He moaned and immediately kissed me back. I nibbled on his bottom lip for entrance and he gladly let me in, both our tongues fighting for dominance but I won.

He pulled away to take a breath but that didn't take my lips off his body. My grip loosened and Zaiden instantly gripped my hair, letting out an occasional whimper as I continued kissing his neck. He arched his back off of the wall and pressed his body closer to mine, if that was even possible.

"Eric" he moaned. I growled at the sound of his voice saying my name. I pulled away and smirked when I saw his slightly swollen lips. He stared at me with dazzed eyes and a gentle smile which made my chest beat faster.

"There's something about you Z. My wolf and I, like you." I said and watched as his eyes widened. He pushed me away and ran straight out the door. I chuckled and took my time walking out.

Looks like we're going to school after all.

I followed Zaiden's scent because I didn't know which school I went to. Why couldn't I remember? I'll need to ask someone. Speaking of someone, I wonder where my sister is



To thank all of you for your support, I'm going to let the readers decide what person's POV they want the next chapter to be. Now, which ever person the readers (you) pick the most, will be the next chapter's POV about. By Thursday, who's ever name I see the most, will be the chosen one!

Each of you gets one chance to comment what character.

. . . . . Starting NOW!^.^

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