Chapter 43: Epilogue

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Please be sure to read my author's note at the end it's important!!!<3:D


*Eric's POV*

"Alpha Kemp it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

Alex said as they firmly shook hands. We all had just arrived and the Alpha came to the airport to pick us up. I looked at Zaiden that was beside me, my eyes turning dark at the drool that was on his chin. Oh please the Alpha isn't that attractive

"Ah this must be your mate?" Alpha Kemp said as he glanced between us. I puffed up my chest and kissed the back of Zaiden's hand that was tightly holding mine

"He sure is" I said with a smile. Zaiden blushed harshly then bowed "It's an honor sir."

"Please allow me to introduce my mate, my wife, and my Luna, Serenity Kemp."

We all bowed. I glanced at Connor and Alex, their eyes held nothing but sadness even though they tried hiding it. It's unimaginable the pain they both must feel.

After all the greetings, we piled ourselves with our luggage into a limousine. I looked out the window, staring in awe at the breathtaking scenery.

This would become our new home, at least for the time being.

About an hour or so later the buildings slowly started to disappear and turn into endless trees. We soon arrived into a deep hidden forest

"Here we are."

We stepped out of the vehicle one by one. I gaped at the mansion we stood before. It was. . . insanely bigger than our old home. Geez how many pack members are there?!

Alpha Kemp chuckled "Yes it's quite big but it's your home now."

Alpha Alex and Connor stared emotionless at the house. I can't image what was going on through their heads. Suddenly out of no where, dozens of pack members bolted out of the home and ran straight towards us at full speed, sneering and growling

Instantly I got in a defensive stance and gently pushed Zaiden behind me. Alex stayed still with Connor beside him not moving an inch. It amazes me sometimes how calm they could be in situations like this, then again both of them are strong and powerful. They probably wouldn't even have to try to fight back

"Stop" Alpha Kemp said and immediately they froze "Alpha what is a vampire doing on our land!?" A female growled. "No blood sucker is welcomed here!" Another male wolf sneered. Other pack members said along with him in agreement

"He is no enemy. He's family and we all will treat him and the others like it." Luna Serenity spoke calmy. I stared in amusement as the pack members visibly relaxed at just her voice.

"Call for a pack meeting tonight" Alpha Kemp said as he came to stand beside the Luna, wrapping his arm around her waist

"Yes Alpha" they agreed and with one last hesitant look at us, they left.

*Later that night*

We had all been escorted to our rooms, or should I say floor. Alex, Connor, Zaiden, and myself all shared one floor that was only for us which I thought was pretty cool

"Hey um, Eric?" I heard Zaiden mutter from behind me. "Yes love?" I replied, turning around to face him. I sat down on the enormous bed that will now be ours.

"Are you sure this was a good idea?" I inhaled deeply and pushed back the tears that filled my eyes at the thought of my sister. "It was our only option" I pulled Zaiden down so that he was now straddling my lap

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