Chapter 42

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*Jade's POV*

"Mell what would you say to me at this time?"

I said as I layed down on my back staring up at the dark blue sky. I had been walking aimlessly until my legs gave out on me. I didn't feel good at all. More so because my stomach had grown just the tiniest bit and I don't know why. Am I sick? Were some of the wild berries I ate poisonous?

Somehow, the thought of me dying didn't scare me as much as I thought it would.

My eyes were slowly starting to drift shut until I heard a light growl in the far distance. I sat up and for some reason, my arm automatically went to cover my stomach. I stared in confusion at my arm until I heard the voice I had been missing ever since I shut her out

'Must protect cub'

Mell growled. Tears welled up in my eyes and I quickly sat up. 'M-Mell?' I stuttered. W-wait did she say c-cub?

'I'm here angel but we must leave. NOW'

Without hesitation, I shot up and began running as fast as I could with my arm still attached to my stomach. Pounding footsteps came closer and the growls turned into sneers. Rouges.

Suddenly my bones cracked and I screamed in agony. I stumbled repeatedly with tears streaming down my face and in the blink of an eye, I was no longer in human form. My feet and hands turned into the familiar brown paws I haven't seen in years.

I stumbled because of the sudden transformation and that's all it took for the rouge to attack. My body slammed against a tree, almost breaking it in half. "That's the one." I heard a female voice say along with a male

"Finally we caught this bitch!" She said with laughter. I opened my eyes to see exactly what I heard. A rouge with two. . .vampires. "Awe what's the matter kitten? You scared?" The guy spoke. My heart beat increased but even though I was scared, another feeling took over.

The need to protect at all costs. My cub.

My posture suddenly changed and I was facing them head on. I sneered as a warning to not come closer "I thought you said she doesn't put up a fight?" The girl questioned the guy beside her with her eyes never leaving me. "She doesn't!" All three of them got into a defensive stance and before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground again.

With my back legs I was able to push them off long enough to get up with the help of my small size. My anger rose abnormally high and suddenly my brown fur began to turn into a dark red and my eye changed to black.

"B-but they said she couldn't change" One stuttered. Before the other could reply, I pounce on the rouge that was closest to me and quickly slammed my paw down onto his snapping jaws.

By now, my leg is completely drenched with the blood and I turned around to the others. They were both in a trance and didn't seem to move. I locked eyes with the girl and somehow was able to show her everything I did when my evil side took over. Her eyes widened and tears streemed down her face with every image I shoved into her head.

"Please! Please make it stop!" She screamed as she fell to the ground with her hands gripping her hair.

I made sure she heard every single scream of horror and agony from the ones I had killed. "Hey! Silva what's wrong?!" The guy said to the girl but his voice was drowned out by what she was hearing.

"P-please I beg you make it stop!" Silva kept screaming from the top of her lungs as she clawed at her ears

"Whatever you're doing, stop!" The guy threatened with a shaky voice. He took a step towards me but stopped abruptly when he came to the realization of something and his next movements I did not expect at all.

He bowed his head and got down on one knee, "My queen."

The moment those words came out of his mouth, I let go of Silva. Her arms were shaking and blood was running down her face because of her clawing. "Silva! Are you alright!" The guy spoke as he gently held her face in his hands. Silva's eyes were closing but she managed to show a little nod. He gently pushed her behind him as he turned to look at me

"Please I beg you, my queen. Spare us" He pleaded. I looked between the two and my heart clenched.

I stepped back a little when suddenly my bones began to shift and break again.

I whimpered in pain until the last bit of my fur was gone and I was once again in human form. I almost collapsed onto the ground when the guy caught me just in time. He slowly layed me down and took off his shirt to cover my now naked body.

"Here my queen take this" I muttered a weak thank you and with his help, I was able to put it on. Thankfully, it reached past my knees.

I sat up with his help and hugged my knees to my chest. He bowed with his forehead touching the ground in front of me. "I sincerely apologize my queen, we didn't know who you were."

Me? Queen? For some reason, that sort of title given to me did not sound right at all. But even though I didn't like it, deep inside, I felt a sense of superiority.

"U-um what's your name?" I stuttered with my eyes looking into his red ones. He cleared his throat and gave me a smile before answering "I'm Syrus and the girl back there is Silva, my twin sister."

My eyes widened and immediately I was overcome with regret. "Oh no, I'm s-so sorry." I rambled "No no my queen, it's alright. She can heal though the wounds may take a little longer to heal."

I hesitantly nodded "What's your name?" Syrus asked. "My name is Jade Fawn." I said. He chuckled and I blushed. What was so funny? "Such a delicate and sweet name for someone so powerful" He said.

I looked behind him and saw the almost dead corpse of his sister who's wounds surely were healing. My chest ached and I looked down to the ground.

It's not sweet nor delicate. It's the name of a monster.

Silva groaned and Syrus quickly ran to her. "Hey sis, are you okay?" He said as he wiped the blood off her face with his hands. "Yeah just dandy actually" Silva said with sarcasm in every word. Syrus rolled his eyes and flicked her nose "Yeah yeah I'm just trying to help here."

"Well don't ask stupid questions" Silva said through gritted teeth. Syrus nodded and dropped her body on the ground and stood up. She landed with an "Oompff"

"As your older brother, I demand respect" He said crossing his arms, looking down at her. "Don't look down on me asshole!" She screamed as she bit his ankle and he fell to the ground

"And besides idiots like you don't need respect!" She yelled. I sat still looking at the two bickering back and forth when she saw me. Her eyes widened in fear and she moved her body so she was kneeling before me just like her brother did. "Please forgive me my queen"

"Oh no, I-It's okay Silva I should be the one apologizing not you two" I smiled as I reached over and held her hand so she'd stand up. She gaped at my actions at first but gave me a big smile with awe filled red eyes.

Syrus came to stand beside her "Please, my queen, allow us to serve you from here on out" He said. Silva nodded with a cheeky grin "We live to protect you, after all, my lady!"

I looked up at them with awe. "Please, call me Jade." I said. The siblings looked at each other then at me "Well Jade, it's gonna be really hard to get rid of us now." They said in unison.

Just like back at the cafe, that feeling of comfort amd trust I felt with Vanessa is the exact same way I'm feeling about Silva and Syrus.

Vanessa. Tears clouded my eyes but I pushed them back. Vanessa said she'd see me again later in life and I know for a fact that these two could possibly be reincarnations of her.

But even if they aren't, I'm going to protect them too just like she did to me.

"I don't plan to."

A light bulb lit up in my head and I quickly looked down at my stomach. With shaky hands, I placed my palms on the small bump and smiled with tears in my eyes.

I'll protect my child as well with everything in me no matter what.

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