Boiling Blood and Adrenaline

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He practices his words under his breath one last time as he nervously makes his way up the stairs. He holds tight to the bouquet of roses as he spots a shirtless skinhead walking out the door he was heading to. He stops him,
"And who the fuck are you?" he asks abruptly
"Excuse me?"
"What were you doing in my girlfriend's apartment?"
"You must be Joe" he sneakers
"you got that right."
"Well, if you're looking for Candy, she left already."
"What do you mean left? Left where?"
"I'm not sure, she said goodbye and took her things. She's good at saying goodbye."
Joe's blood begins to boil, and as his heartbeat speeds up, he punches the young lad, letting the roses fall onto the ground as well as the skinhead himself. He kicked his ribs then ran down the set of stairs.
He bumps into two persons going up but is too concerned to notice who,
"Hey fuckhole watch it!" he recognizes the voice

"Piper! Mattey! Do you know where Candy is?! I think she'll go back to California, we must stop her!"
"She already left?" asks an anxious Mattey
"It's all your fault you selfish piece of shit!" Piper tries to punch Joe but he holds her arm back, "I don't have time for this."
He turns his back on the girls and stops a cab,
as he hops in Piper and Mattey follow along, "you don't think we'll let you go alone, do you?" asks Piper.
Joe disregards her and commands the driver to make his way to the airport and "step on the fucking gas!"


The three run inside the departure floor pushing anyone that got in the way, all fearful that the plane might have left already, as none of them really knew exactly where Candy was from, besides that she was from California.
Agitatedly Mattey asks one of the workers if the flight to "Cali" had taken off yet, she said the passengers were boarding the plane at the moment.
As soon as the words trailed out her mouth Joe tried to run into the terminal, but he didn't have a ticket. Driven by adrenaline he pushed his way inside and as two security guards tried to hold him back, punched one in the face and kicked the other in the balls.
The whole airport seemed to stop and stare at the commotion as four other guards came out of nowhere to forcibly escort Joe outside. He didn't give up, until he caught the glance of the closed doors and the airplane rising up into the sky; his Juliet was gone.

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