When the Stars Align

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I follow you, picking up the petals you drop.

Hoping you don't end with I love you not.

Our paths transverse at different points in time.

But one day we'll connect, when the stars align.

Don't forget the small hand you used to hold.

Pictures of us, lost in a centerfold.

I see our farm of love on the horizon.

Something I continue to keep my eyes on.

Hilltops of critters circle our home.

Your garden is bright, and in bloom.

I see the home abounding with fluent cheer.

Although no neighbors are very near.

The smiles are for us, it so seems.

The beauty I saw in this waking dream.

Images of our fated future flash.

Collages of tears, love, and cats.

The eyes of our family are jovial.

Lost pieces of puzzles now whole.

Vim and vigor in our daily acts.

Happy on our hill, in our humble shack.

Wait with me, and you will see it too.

I promise. I promise to wait with you.


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