My favorite part of me
Is a part you could not see
You are not the guilty one
Close, I often tend to shun
But it gets lonely in my world
From all the loves I've hurled
Distant from my life and heart
Blocking paths to even start
Do not worry or fret
I haven't got one regret
I run with the animals
I don't care who it appalls
I sing with the morning birds
Just filling in notes with words
I dance when the mood strikes me
Half the day spent in boogie
With grass edging at my toes
Into the world I expose
My hair twisting in a spin
As I thrust into the wind
My life just goes on a whim
A passion no one can dim
Sure you can come if you want
But I'm not afraid to jaunt
Don't touch my happy spirit
Something I will not permit
The second you trip my life
Is the moment there'll be strife
No one has come here with me
To this place called jubilee
Back to earth, rife with envy
Pure idiosyncrasy
My favorite part of me
Can be a part of you too
The place you chose not to see
Is optimism my mind drew
Until then
PoetryI live with a mathematical, logical mind, but tend to be immersed in emotion. The imbalance can both prosper and hinder me. with love, b 1987-until then...